What are the various exercise i read about on this website?

Hello, im 5 1/2 months post-op -65lbs. Im wanting to get into different types of exercise, and the only one i know about is walking, running, cardio, sculpting,toning. What is WEIGHT TRAINING? I read that alot on this site, and it seems like alot of posties are doing it, and succeeding with it. please let me know.    — sexysag37 (posted on August 8, 2003)

August 9, 2003
weight training is.. loosely.. using weights to build muscle in your body.. either free weights (lifting dumbells *grin*) or using machines that use weights and different parts of your body are excercised. I do weight training at my gym.. using machines mostly and I life a few free weights at home. Building muscle helps you to lose weight by keeping your metobolism up. Its really good the smaller you get to start weight training for many reasons.. but that is one of them.
   — Lisa C.

August 9, 2003
Weight training is working out with weights (as you might have guessed from the name :P). Can either be "free" weights such as dumbbells or machines such as cybex, etc. The important thing is to have someone show you the proper way to use weights. It is all too easy to injure yourself if you don't use proper form. My recommendation for starting out if you belong to a gym is something called circuit training. It is a comination of weight training and cardio achieved by doing multiple machines with little pause in between. This keeps your heart rate up and still builds muscle. That being said, you should make sure your doctor ok's it as it can be very stressful on your body. Enjoy - it builds muscle which burns about 70 calories a pound as opposed to fat which burns 7 calories to maintain itself. The only possible negative for some people is that muscle does weigh more, so weight training can impact your scale. It will definitely change your shape and the weight will continue to drop. Good luck!
   — Rachael B.

August 9, 2003
Using our new tool (small pouch) to lose weight, we can do our bodies the MOST good if we combine cardio exercises (speed walking, treadmill, elliptical trainer, stationery bike, aerobic class, swimming, etc.)with supervised weight training. As the other posters have pointed out, there are free weights (dumbells) and weight machines. Since November, I have been working with a certified personal trainer whom I found through my local YMCA. We meet once per month, he creates a program for me for the next month which combines both cardio and weights, and I follow it 4-5 times per week, always in the mornings (to get my metabolism up early). The real benefits of weight training, unlike cardio, is that it really raises your metabolic rate for a longer period of time (which means you will continue to burn fat after you've completed your exercises), you will build muscle (which we need to tone up the loose skin), build bone density (which we need to prevent osteoporosis (sp?), and create a better toned appearance. The really great thing about weight training is that with the muscle you build, it will burn the fat longer than cardio. As women, we don't have a high enough level of testostorene (sp) to really bulk up, so don't worry about that. It really is a win-win. Cardio without weight training will certainly help you burn calories WHILE you're exercising, but will do NOTHING to help tighten up that loose skin. If you go this route, consult a professional trainer to get you started and don't get discouraged if the scale doesn't initially respond quickly. Muscle weighs 3x more than fat, but is more dense (takes up less space). The result is that you may weigh a little more, but actually be smaller and much stronger and toned. All the best.
   — Kimberly L. A.

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