how safe is splenda

i have read that if you use splenda to sweeten things are in diet drinks, you may as well be adding ddt??? has any one read any thing about this?? i love my diet rite cola, and crsytal light. help please give me some feed back. i want to be healthy now that i am 2yrs out by pass)) and love it. i am 58yrs and feel 30 well may be 40-lol.. tam n tex    — tammy B. (posted on March 8, 2005)

March 7, 2005
Personally I think its as safe as any other no cal sweetner. The other makers of sweetners are seeing their marketing share drop and are doing everything to prevent it. Life is full of risks, and sugar may one day be found to cause cancer. Certinally MO does. <P> I refuse to worry about everything, heck I heard the plastics in a new car, that give it that new car smell can be bad for you. The feds are going to require scrubbers on bakeries ovens, the bread smell is a hazard too, no joke. With all this going on I am ignoring the small hazards. Just look how many people die yearly or are crippled for life in car accidents. Yet few refuse to go for a drive.
   — bob-haller

March 8, 2005
I've used it ever since it came out and I LOVE IT!! I bake with it and use in my drinks and adore it. However you can tell a bit of a difference when you bake with it...but I still like it. Give it a whirl...thank goodness more restaurants are coming around and are stocking Splenda...gotta love it! Best of luck to you! Tiff (Lap RNY 2/17/04 245lbs; 145 lbs)
   — Tiffany B.

March 8, 2005
I heard that Big Sugar was behind some of those allegations. It wouldn't surprise me.
   — Jeanie

March 8, 2005
I "google'd" your question and found an overwhelming number of references to this connection. They seem overly simplistic to me. To put the claim in perspective, have a look at http://www. (take the space out between www. and the rest). I have noooo earthly idea whether Splenda's bad for you or not, but to say it's related to ddt is like saying monkeys and humans are the same. Interesting comparison, but, like . . . c'mon, now. ;-)
   — Suzy C.

March 8, 2005
I remarked on this site years ago that I wondered how anything with an choline molicule added could be considered safe. At least that is my understand of Splenda. But I do use it. At this URL there are some links you may be interested in looking at.
   — Danmark

March 8, 2005
I have asked all my Dr's and Nurse Friends Due to the fact I have dealt with Cancer and fighting to keep strong and healthy they told me its not true. Splenda is made from part of Surgar cane and its not linked to DDT. Good luck Dionna
   — Dionna_Dupuis

March 8, 2005
I just found this. I had never heard of the DDT connection before. Chlorinated Pesticides According to Consumers Research Magazine "Some concern was raised about sucralose being a chlorinated molecule. Some chlorinated molecules serve as the basis for pesticides such as D.D.T., and accumulate in body fat. However, Johnson & Johnson emphasized that sucralose passes through the body unabsorbed." Of course, this assertion about not being absorbed is complete nonsense. As shown above, a substantial amount of sucralose is absorbed, so the argument is not valid. According to the HAD, "The manufacturer claims that the chlorine added to sucralose is similar to the chlorine atom in the salt (NaCl) molecule. That is not the case. Sucralose may be more like ingesting tiny amounts of chlorinated pesticides, but we will never know without long-term, independent human research."
   — Danmark

March 8, 2005
there have been over 100 studies since 1976 on the safety of splenda. I trust it more than any of the other artificial sweeteners. Of course, I live life on the edge, I had a surgery that kills 1/200 people who have that procedure.
   — **willow**

March 9, 2005
   — tammy B.

March 9, 2005
Willow thats kinda funny sad....
   — bob-haller

March 9, 2005
I guess I was trying to say is life is full of risks. There is a lot of junk science out there. Lawyers out to make a buck by filing junk lawsuits based on faulty research, media reports that distort and give only part of the story to make ratings and needlessly alarm people. check out the website to learn more about it.
   — **willow**

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