Can you be too big to have surgery?

I'm afraid that I'm too big for WLS. My first consult with my surgeon is 10/30.I have seen a dietician, my PCP, a psychologist and have submitted my paperwork to the surgeon and all say that I am a great candidate. I am not wheelchair bound or anything close to that but I am a very large person. I am probably close to 400 lbs and I'm scared that I won't qualify. I have some comorbs including slight hypothyroidism, edema, bad ankles and knees, possible PCOS, bad back etc...I guess I just need some reassurance because I'm convinced that I'm going to be like this forever!    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 6, 2001)

October 5, 2001
There are *many* people that are your size or bigger that have had surgery. My best friend was 379 pre op. I was 359 pre-op. However, there are people that weigh 500-600+ pounds that have this surgery... and they seem to do just fine, too. You're not going to be like this forever! You've already taken a step beyond most people by having the strength and the courage to try to do something about it. I wish you all the best!!
   — FireJewel

October 5, 2001
Well you might not be able to have your surgery LAP, depending on your surgeon, his skills, and tools. But your certinally a good candidate. Surgeons operate on folks over 700 pounds so relax. Read my profile at the bottom if you want to hear about how great being post op is/
   — bob-haller

October 6, 2001
I was 494 pounds the day of surgery in May of 2000. I have lost 185 pounds in that time and am still shrinking (I hope to hit 200 pounds lost by my 18th month out!) I came through it with flying colors and I had premorbid conditions of asthma, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, pre-diabetes and borderline high blood pressure. The largest patient my doc ever did was over 700 pounds. Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

October 6, 2001
There are people much heavier than you who come through the surgery and weight loss with great results. One thing you have to keep in mind too - when you say you weigh close to 400 lbs - your BMI is the standard - not just your weight. I am 5'11" and weighed 340 lbs the day of my OpenVBG on 06/11/01.....I see people write all the time that they weigh 240 lbs and are SO obese and are having WLS.....well, they are only 5'1 or 5'4.....that makes a HUGE difference....I've lost 85 lbs now, down to 255 - am feeling GREAT about the way I look at 255...because I'm tall...I can carry 200 lbs easy, and people don't even think of me as being - of course you are a very large person (as you state)....otherwise you wouldn't be considering this.....go to the top of one of these pages and click on Photos and scroll through the hundreds of photos - you'll find tons of photos of people that are bigger than you are now......
   — Cathy J.

October 6, 2001
I'm over 400 pretty close to 500, I had my consult on Oct 4 with Dr.Gilman in Salisbury, NC. He took the time to explain ,that when a person is over 400 lbs they need the surgery more so than a person of a lesser weight. I have seen 3 surgeons, with hopes of finding the right one. When you contact their office don't be affraid to ask many questions before you accept a consult, because of the cost. If they have everything your looking for then your on the right track. I will tell you with my weight being over 400 I have had to fight a much harder fight and I never give up, I'm waiting for a call with my date. The one surgeon couldn't make up his mind if he would do it or not ,so before he could decide I moved on, One last thing always write down the names of everyone you talk too.

October 6, 2001
No, you are not too big, you are rather small, in my surgeons eyes...He does laps 500 and over..You are just a baby...
   — Marie B.

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