I need Motivation

I know exercise is key in weight loss. Yet I have so many excuse why I cannot do it.. I am tired is the biggest one as well as no time. I need some exercise motivation. PLease help.    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 27, 2001
hi ! This could have been me posting this as I have the same problem. We have to learn to prioritize. My surgeon said it would be heartbreaking to have come this far and not maximize the opportunity to lose weight and become healthy. It made me think some. We have to form the habit of exercising (find something you like)and make it as much a part of our day as showering, eating, working.... If I could only practice what I preach! If we could just make exercise a habit, I am thinking that it is half the battle. I will be checking posting for inspiration!!!! Best of luck to you.
   — lovebug2

September 27, 2001
Hi, I haven't had surgery yet, but I am pretty lethargic, so I know how hard it is to get motivated to exercise. I can think of a couple things though you might try. 1) Make it fun! I would play raquetball on a regular basis if I still went to my old college and had someone to play with. It was so fun that it didn't even feel like exercise, lol. On the other hand, you could 2) Just try to make it tolerable by doing something else while you exercise like (my boyfriend thinks I'm a bum for this) but watching TV while you ride an exercise bike. I even got a sitting exercise bike (those little seats of upright bikes are hard on a plump rump) for 150.00 from QVC online. To help me out, I had one TV show that I liked to watch every night (Law and Order or Star Trek reruns, lol) and so when that came on I knew I had to stop what I was doing and ride my bike because I wouldn't do it later when the show was over. And normally I'd just sit on the couch and watch the show anyway, so might as well do two things at once. That and it helps me integrate it into my daily schedule. It might not be "fun" but it's not as bad as just riding the bike staring at the wall or the clock on by the pedals! Good luck! :)
   — [Anonymous]

September 27, 2001
In the time you took to dial into the internet, access this site, and post this question, you could've walked up and down your steps 3-4 times. That's exercise. This is up to you. Sorry there isn't going to be one of those "Oprah A HA" moments where you say "OH, wow, I'm glad I saw the show, now I will exercise". You are your own motivation. You can either do this for you, or not. Simple. May sound harsh but true. The flowery-feel-good answer to your question? Ok -- oh honey I know how hard it is to exercise, everyone hates it. Find something you like to do, a lot of people like water aerobics and a lot of morbidly obese people feel comfortable doing it. Why not try walking a little each day? Hire a mean personal trainer to bug the heck out of you. If that's too much money, get a workout partner. Good luck and God bless!
   — Kimberly L.

September 27, 2001
For me, consistency is difficult. I can get started, feel really good, and then let other things crowd it out. A few things help me: 1. An Attilla the Hun 14 year old who lifts weights with me and doesn't let me sleep in! 2. Varying the exercise (I lift weights Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and try to do something aerobic Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays). I might walk/jog one day, walk with a friend, play soccer, golf, play tennis, roller blade, bike, or go shopping (depending on how I do it, shopping can be aerobic for me:). 3. I try and not beat myself up if I miss a day. 4. I try to not OVERDO the exercise as then I get too tired and discouraged to keep it up. Also, if I do quit for a while, I try and get back eventually. 5. start small- right after surgery, I could only walk 5 minutes at 1- 1.5 MPH on the treadmill- now I can jog at 5.2 for 30 minutes (on a good day:). Good Luck and try not to get discouraged. From where we all came from- ANY exercise is better than what we have been doing!
   — M B.

September 27, 2001
PS- some good head banging music helps too!
   — M B.

September 28, 2001
Ok, several things. First of all, why are you so tired? I was really tired when my potassium was low and didn't get much exercise. But once that was resolved I had tons of energy. Also, a couple of suggestions. One is to get a pedometer. These are pretty cheap and they help you track all the walking you do throughout the day. When you're wearing it, you feel like every step counts and that really encourages extra steps. Also, I am so glad I did some pictures of my yoga poses. Now even if you're not into yoga, try getting some pictures doing stretches and stuff. Then compare them as you lose weight. Just knowing how much better I am at these things inspires me to do them more and more. Finally, don't dwell on the opportunities missed, just commit to doing a little bit each day. If you do just a little, but do it every day, you are creating a life long good habit.
   — kcanges

October 1, 2001
I walk a little bit 3-4 times a day. Take 10-15 minute breaks during the day and walk. It adds up. Walk to a nearby restaurant and back for lunch. Walk down the street to send a letter. Whatever . . . It all adds up! I also have started to do more active things on the weekends: Yard work, going to the zoo with my daughter, riding a bike. Not that I have become a fanatic with these things but at 1000 calories a day, a little exercise goes a long way! Most people dream of being more active when they lose weight. Find something you want to do and start preparing for it!
   — ctyst

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