What is 200% over my weight if i'm 5'6?

Ok sorry heres another question. It says 200% over ideal weight. well i'm 5'6 and weigh270 is this 200%? thanks again.    — hillafb U. (posted on October 19, 2001)

October 18, 2001
I'm 5'6. The lowest ideal weight (it depends on whether you're a small, medium or large frame) according to doc's is 150. So 200% of that would be twice that weight or 300 pounds. But check your wording. My HR benefits manual said that I needed to be twice my ideal weight (I'm 5'6 and weighed 324). But when I called Blue Cross they said I only needed to be 100 pounds over weight. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

May 22, 2002
I'm 5'6" as well at 264. I was approved 2 days after submitting all the info to Blue Shield. I did have to have my gallbladder removed because it wasn't functioning well and this is a common problem with WLS patients after surgery, so make sure to explore all possible co-morbidities prior to surgery. Good Luck!
   — Heather P.

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