How do you stop from slipping back into the old bad eating habits?

I am 8 weeks out and have lost 46lbs so far. I am exercising almost everyday and taking all my vitamins. I am feeling better about myself everyday except I am battling the my old eating habits. I find myself grazing and eating too much. The evening is the worse for me. How did any of you avoid this. Please help!    — Jacinda J. (posted on September 17, 2003)

September 17, 2003
I fight this everyday. What helps me is to stay away from my trigger foods which is anything made w/ white flour or sugar. If I want something, I drink a protein shake instead, and this usually takes care of the craving. It's not a good sign that you're struggling with this early on. Are you getting enough protein? Are you eating alot of things w/ white flour like bread and crackers? This will cause you to have cravings. Even fruit or milk can be a trigger if you're super sensitive.
   — mom2jtx3

September 17, 2003
Evenings are worst for me, too. That's when I'm most likely to snack and graze. A few things that have worked for me: keep busy. If I'm doing something else with my hands, I can't eat. So, pick up a hobby, houseclean, go on the computer in the evening, polish your fingernails--anything to keep your hands busy and out of the food bag. I also found that it helps a lot for me to sit somewhere else in my living room when I watch TV. TV time was always prime snacking time for me. Instead of the chair that I used to sit in, I now sit on one of the couches when I watch TV. It's a small thing, but it breaks the familiar pattern of sitting in the easy chair, watching TV and eating. Now I sit on the couch and watch TV. Period. It helps to break old patterns any way you can. So, identify those old patterns that are creating problems for you, and do something to interrupt the pattern.
   — Vespa R.

September 17, 2003
I deal with it one day at a time and try not to beat myself up when I slip into old habits. It is scary but I'm glad I recognize it and try and regroup and refocus. I'll go back to stricter protein for a few days to help me get back on track. It will likely be a constant battle for me the rest of my life and some days I will win and some I won't, but I will try hard to win more than I lose. I also find counseling helpful to talk about these issues and help me figure out what triggered it etc. You can do it!
   — zoedogcbr

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