I am 19 days post op and having problems with throwing up and dizzy spells

We have been increased in diet to full liquids and soft foods as tolerated, but it doesn't matter WHAT I try to eat, I invaribly throw it up if I eat late in the day (especially) -- Even the cream of tomato soup I ate last night (which I usually tolerate better than anything). I can't eat enough to keep a bird alive at this rate! Will this improve? Is it just part of the healing process? And did anyone else out there experience waves of dizzyness that nearly knocked you on your backside? I can just roll over in bed and I'll have such a wash of dizzyness for a few seconds... Just wondering if I was the only one. Thanx! Shell    — Michelle F. (posted on December 17, 2000)

December 17, 2000
Shell, You may want to consult your surgeon about the vomiting. You may have a blockage, from what I've read it's fairly easy to determine as well as reopen. With the dizzyness, I have first hand experience...some people have a build up of crystals in their inner ear and they can become dislodged and when you roll over or tilt your head a certain direction you become dizzy for a few seconds or even minutes. You might want to see an ENT (ear, nose & throat) specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment, they have some exercises that will help you. Good luck and God bless.
   — Stephanie D.

December 17, 2000
Are you getting plenty of fluids, and keeping them down? If not, you could be dehydrated. This is a potentially serious problem, and can make you very dizzy. Please talk to your surgeon and do whatever you can to resolve the vomiting problem.
   — Lynn K.

December 18, 2000
Michelle: When I had similar symptoms and spoke to my PCP, his first suggestion was to salt my food ... something I'd never been in the habit of doing. It worked! I've never had a problem with the dizziness since. In my opinion, all the junk food I used to eat pre-op was LOADED with salt and preservatives ... my post-op diet, however, is a different story. Seems like this would account for the difference in how I feel. Cindy
   — Cynthia B.

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