5 days post op when can I sleep or lie on my side?

This is my second day home, my back is burning with pain. The hospital said it's common for this surgery. I have not had any pain medication since day 2 but I'm wondering how to relieve my back. Can I lie on my side or do I have to call and ask my surgeon that. Any other tips for comfort? I don't have a recliner but I did sleep not too badly propped up in bed until the back gives in....LOL..... Any help would be wonderful    — Mandy M. (posted on June 17, 2001)

June 17, 2001
It was nine or ten days before I could even "attempt" to sleep on my side. I can't sleep on my back, but had no choice. When I finally could stand to sleep on my side I had to have a pillow to push my stomach up some. But it still hurt. Let your pain be your guide. If it hurts, it's telling you it's not healed... don't do it! But little by little you will begin to be able to tolerate sleeping on your side. If you can sleep sitting up in a chair, that's probally all the better. I had to use my Mom's hospital bed (she slept in the rocking chair). As there was no way I could lie flat! I don't think anyone can for awhile. It will pass and get better. Although it sure does'nt seem like it will at first. Hang in there! You be sleeping on your side in a short while.
   — Danmark

June 17, 2001
I too am 5 days out and cant sleep on my side, I sleep in a recliner for about 4 hours then I am up for about 2 hours then go back to sleep. I usually take liquid Tylenol for adults right before i go to bed so i can have a peacfull sleep. Email me so we can compare, being we are the same length in surgury
   — renee J.

June 17, 2001
I was lying on my side the first night of surgery. I just used pillows to support my stomach on my side. I had my surgery laproscopically. No pain just a stretching feeling. My surgeon said to do what makes me comfortable.
   — Dawn H.

June 17, 2001
I could lay sort of half way on my side very early post op ... probably day 2 or 3. I was in a special bariatric hospital bed, which propped me up, so I think that helped. I had open RNY with 8 3/4 inch incision and 50+ staples. After I got home, I slept in a recliner until I got my staples out. Once I got the staples out at about 10 days post op, I could sleep comfortably in bed, on my back or side. It was a few weeks before I could sleep totally on my stomach comfortably.
   — Lynn T.

June 17, 2001
I had RNY open Jan. 8, '01. I couldn't sleep on my side or stomach at first either. I put a pillow next to me and cocked my leg on it and it was better. HOWEVER, I found that the more I moved around during the day (walked) that it became easier each night to sleep on my side and stomach. By the 2nd week after surgery I didn't need the pillow any longer. It does get better.
   — Betty Todd

June 18, 2001
It was a good 2 weeks before I was able to sleep in a bed and not the recliner. Good Luck. It gets much easier!
   — S.A. C.

June 19, 2001
I could not sleep on my side until after I got my staples out at 2 wks post-op. I simply wasn't comfortable. I slept in a recliner. The recliner didn't make my back hurt but it did feel good to be able to sleep in the bed again!
   — Karen F.

August 12, 2001
8/12/01 I am 6 days post-op and only able to sleep in my recliner. It was suggested to me if you wanted to lie down in the bed to place a regular pillow over your whole abdomen, tuck your legs under yourself as much as possible, if you wanted to lie on your side. I tried it, but I have a lot of internal gas and it didn't work for me.
   — khelms

August 26, 2001
My back hurt me badly too. I kelp trying to lay on my side until I finally done it. I guess I finally figured it out about a week post op. I still had my staples in. They way I did it was my bed was up agains a wall and I had a too pillows under my head to elevate me a little, put a pillow that covered my belly and tucked it under my side I was going to lay on, held the pillow on my stomach with my hand and arm and turned towards the wall will a little firm pillow between my arm and the wall. I crouched my knees with a pillow between my knees to take some of the presure off my stomach and was able to sleep comfortable. My husband sleep in the same bed with me but I had a body pillow lined and pressed up against my back and too keep him from bumping me. You will find that you will be so comfortable that your other arm may go to sleep from laying on it soo I didnt have a recliner to sit or sleep in. One of my nurses told me that her best advise too me is to trash a recliner if I have one. I asked why, she said cause the recliner will get so comfy that you will stay in it and not walk like you should. The more you walk the quicker you will heal. BUT DONT OVER DO IT. I found that it was true. I hope my advise helps.
   — Tammy B.

May 16, 2002
My back hurts considerably as well. I attempted to lie down in a bed after getting home from the hospital and that was a definite no-no. I'm on my second week and I attempted to lie down on the couch on my side last night and that was not happening. I sleep in a chair with my feet propped up on the bed. Anyone else having pain in their backsides? Ouch it hurts, I don't know what's worse the pain in my back or the one in my butt :-)
   — Devera R.

May 16, 2002
I found that if I took my mom's nice big fluffy pillow and laid them on the couch, and then put one behind my back to prop me up on my side I could sleep. So basically I was laying on my side on top of big pillows propped up.
   — jenna F.

April 5, 2003
I am 3 weeks Post Op and having the same problem still. They could nothing for me and said it was also common. ONe of the ways I help the pain during the day and napping is to use a heating pad or roll up a towel and press it under my back. Iam still sleeping on the couch because lying flat is unbearable. I don't necessarily lay on my side but sorta position myself at an angle! It is miserable but getting better. I hope these suggestions help!
   — Tamala T.

August 15, 2003
I am 10 days post op. My doctor suggested sleeping in a recliner for a few days and that helped. I tried the bed, but NO WAY! Now I'm sleeping in bed on my back with three pillows under my head and a big pillow under my knees. The slight bend in the knees helps with the stretching feeling in my stomach and the pain in my back. Actually,the back pain is getting worse. I'll grin and bare it. I've tried sleeping on my sides (my favorite position), but can only handle about an hour like that. I'm determined to get back to that comfortable position, though, so will keep trying. Pillows are a great help. Pain killers (tylenol w/codine), too. Good luck.
   — terriny

May 25, 2006
I am 2 weeks post op lap RNY and still can not sleep on my side. I try every night but it just hurts like my insides are falling out. Just be patient that's what everybody tells me. I have a big pillow with the lil arms and 2 regular pills as well as a bed wedge under my legs and I sleep ok. Back does start hurting but hurts less than laying on my side. Good Luck
   — sunflwrprincess

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