I've read here that you don't have to tell your employer why you need time off.

Is that true? My employer requires disclosure before FMLA is approved and then only if all the questions on the form are filled out absolutely correct. We also must have complete medical disclosure before disability can be approved. Can they do this? Please email with answers. Thanks    — Terri G. (posted on June 18, 2001)

June 18, 2001
Several years ago, actually when the FMLA first came out, I took 12 weeks off. I didn't have to fill out anything just called the director of human relations and informed her. No questions asked. I don't know if things have changed since then or if my situation was just unique. Good luck. Amy
   — Amy W.

June 18, 2001
I told my employer that I needed to have major abdominal surgery and left it at that.
   — Lisa B.

June 18, 2001
Hello. My company has a short term disability form that asks for a diagnosis, etc. etc. I felt uncomfortable because I needed to fill it out then give it to a supervisor, then have my dr fill out the back and give the form to the company's HR dept. So I called the nurse in HR and told her that I wanted to keep this private and how forthright did I need to be on the diagnosis. She told me to just put GI surgery on the front. Once the supervisor signed it, he doesn't see the Dr's part. Good luck.
   — Kimberly L.

June 18, 2001
I am a HR Manager and no, you do not have to make complete disclosure of your medical condition. You do, however, have to have some documentation to substantiate your request but it does not have to spell out exactly what your condition/problem is. Good luck to you.
   — Sharon R.

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