How will I feel 11 days after surgery?

I am having surgery on Oct 30. will I feel pretty good by Nov 10 I am having a semi formal sweet sixteen party for my daughter 11 days after surgery. I know I can't really eat much only liquids, but how will I feel? can I dance?    — Bonnie S. (posted on October 7, 2001)

October 7, 2001
You didn't say if you were having lap or open. So I'll assume you are having open. You will probably be tired, you will be alittle sore but you will probably beable to do a slow dance or two. Remember No cake or ice cream for you :) But you can have a sugar free popcycle.
   — K T.

October 7, 2001
It depends on whether you had the Lap or the Open. I had the Open DS and at 11 days post-op I still felt like I'd been hit by a Mack Truck. With that incision I doubt you'll be able to dance.
   — artistmama

October 7, 2001
Her profile says LAP. I walked nearly a mile and a half one week after surgery and worked a bit after a week. Read my profile for detailed post op activities. I would say you should be fine as long as your dancing isnt the twist or something.
   — bob-haller

October 7, 2001
I went back to work after lap surgery, including removal of my gall bladder, in 9 days and did great. 10 days after surgery i was out walking a mile or so. It's important to remember that everyones body is diffrent and you need to listen to what your body is telling you, 11 days after surgery. Best of luck to you with your surgery and recovery:)
   — Malynda S.

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