I have a serious medical issue and I'm hoping you all can help...

I didn't want to go to the doctor yet because I don't want to run to him for every little pain, but I just wanted to know if this sounds familiar to any of you. After I eat only a bite or two, I get this terrible pain around the middle right side, kind of between my side and my stomach. It happened last night after I had some cheese, and tonight after one piece of celery. Last night I didn't think anything of it until it happened tonight. Also, last night my legs started getting edema, and it hasn't gone away. I know the kidneys are in your back, but could this be my gallbladder (I am embarassed to say that I don't know exactly where it is located), or something else. Can anyone shed any light on this, or is this just another episode of "this too shall pass"... Please help me if you can.    — Janet C. (posted on January 10, 2002)

January 10, 2002
Gallbladder is around the bottom of your ribs, right side.
   — Goldilauxx B.

January 10, 2002
Hi Janet, I have a question for you. have you been getting enough water intake? if not this can cause the stones to grow in yur gall bladder, and that maybe affecting you. it certainly sonds like it is in the right location for it to be the Gall bladder. mine was removed at time of surgery due to stones so I have not had any problems like that. I have also had episodes where things will hurt for a day, or two, or maybe longer but does eventually pass. how long has it been happening? I would say if more than a week go back to your doc. If not, wait a week. If it gets worse go to your doc. Possibly it is a stricture, and the pain is just for some reason showing up in your right side. hard to say. Hang in there though.
   — sbinkerd1

January 10, 2002
I have been getting in plenty of water and protein... more than the required amount. Did I also mention that it hurts mostly when I inhale, and it is in the right place for the gallbladder. My surgeon told me that if it still bothered me tomorrow to call him, and my primary care told me that if it's my gallbladder, I should go to the nearest emergency room. WHAT SHOULD I DO???
   — Janet C.

January 10, 2002
Hi Janet, I had some gallbladder attacks after losing some weight during pregnancy. It felt like incredible pressure and lasted up to an hour. After about 4 episodes I had a sonogram and it showed nothing wrong. No episodes after that either so I may have had a stone that passed. I don't think it is a life or death thing (with the gallbladder) but is sure is scary. I would say a sonogram (ultrasound) may be in order to confirm or rule out. Good luck.
   — crishsapig

January 10, 2002
I had a pain that I would describe JUST LIKE IT. Mine turned out to be "at the outlet." I seem to be able to aggravate it by eating certain things that do not agree with like..flares up for a day or two, then goes away. I am not transected tho, so in my case if I do have a staple line rupture, it is not as serious.
   — Barbara B.

January 10, 2002
I don't know much, but I do know one thing...leg edema is serious. Please call your doctor. If he/she isn't there, SOMEONE is on call. Please check into this. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 10, 2002
CALL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY! This could be several things not the least of which is your gallbladder. But it could be a blood clot. It could be nothing, either way when you start leg edema, that is no time to mess around! Amy
   — purdue_1993

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