Strange Dreams- One Week Until Surgery

So I've had a date for almost 3 whole months now, and up to this point I've been so busy with school and such that the thought hasn't really done anything for me buy get me really excited. Now at 8 days and a wake up left, I'm having the strangest dreams. Not neccessarily nightmares, but for example last night I dreamed they were going to make me use this food suction thing to get everything out of my stomach, and then they just forgot about me and bumped me all week. Ok, so written down they don't look THAT wierd, but it makes me wake up with a knot in my stomach, and want to call the hospital just so I know it was just a dream. Did anyone else have this problem? Or does anyone have a suggestion on helping me sleep through the night??? Thanks a LOT. Eryn, lap rny 3/24/03    — Eryn G. (posted on March 15, 2003)

March 15, 2003
Hello, I have not even had my first consultation and I am having crazy dreams. I dreamed that I had the surgery and instead of losing weight it made me get bigger and bigger everyday until I was so big they used me as a balloon at a parade.HA I woke up thinking what was that all about. I also had a dream that I lost so much that my husband left me for a bigger woman. I think its stress, I think about what I have to do b4 the surgery and what I have to do after surgery. I go to sleep a lot of the time thinking about it also. I started drinking sleepy time tea and I try to imagine myself thin and healthy on a beach somewhere or I will relax before I go to sleep and try to make my mind as blank as possible and it has helped me. Its difficult not thinking about what is getting ready to happen to you. But things will work out, I hope everything goes well and will keep you in my prayers.
   — Cathy B.

March 15, 2003
I've seen lots of posts about pre-surgery dreams and nightmares. My most memorable one was that the doctor stuck a straw in me and sucked out all the fat! Check the library for lots more dreams people have reported. I even had nightmares POST-OP until I was off the Tylenol with codeine.
   — Kathy J.

March 15, 2003
Hi! I know how you feel! Your not alone on this one, I don't have just one thing I dream it's alot of different one's, some really strange some a little less extreme. But it doesn't just happen every now and than, it's EVERY NIGHT! There all related in some way to my up-coming WLS. Mine are so bad I'am only getting 3-4 hours sleep a night, prior to getting my date I was getting 8-9 hours no problem. It's got to be stress, because I know my nerves are shot at this point.Good Luck to you and remember, this must be normal if it's happening to both of us. God bless!!
   — latrishanickle

March 16, 2003
I have my first consultation this thursday and I have had two strange dreams so far....My first was that I was in surgery and I was watching the surgeon pick parts of me up out of my abdomen,squishiung them around in his hands and throwing them over his shoulder, the other one was two days later and this woman who told me she weighed 625 pounds was sitting on my feet and wouldn't let me get up.(During this dream I woke up and could not move my feet).I am sure it is just nerves because I wasn't doing this before I actually got my consultation date. The best thing I can say for you to do is to maybe try a relaxing bath right before bed and try not to think of anything to deal with surgery even though it is top priority in your mind.Good Luck and congratulations on your upcoming surgery.
   — S C.

March 17, 2003
OMG...none of you are alone!! I am preop and have weird dreams too (although they don't seem too weird after reading some of these posts...hahahaha). It is all nerves and your subconscious dealing with what is about to occur. Mine have not affected my sleep too much (at least not that I'm aware of). Before giving suggestions on how to sleep better, that may be a question for your doctor. I try to steer clear of sleeping aids because they make me have even stranger dreams. Yoga, sleepytime tea, a relaxing bath...those all sound like worth a try. Oh..and welcome to the Weird Dreamers Club. It's a pre-requisite to WLS. Good luck.
   — Diane S.

March 17, 2003
I want to share me kooky dreams toooo! - (1) Surgery was done and over with. I was in the hospital in my bed, in a room I had all to myself. A nurse was sitting in a chair down by the foot of my bed and I wanted to see if I could get around with out any help. So I got up, out of the bed and there was no pain and I had already lost a great amount of weight. I thought, rny lap WAS the way to go! (2) I was off to have my consultation and when I got there the surgeon was in a rush to leave telling me I didn t gualify, I replied, I'm already approved, then he bent my over and started pounding me on my butt with his hands and I was left in the office with a sore rear end. I think I was just craving for A good pounding any way! with that last dream. Oh! my consultation is March 25, 2003. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR BIG DAY!!
   — JUNE P.

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