I remember something about we are not supposed to use time released vitamins.

Can someone explain to me why we cannot use time released vitamins? I need iron and time released ones made my stomach sick for several days. What is a good alternative? Thanks..    — neneburge (posted on January 29, 2004)

January 29, 2004
Hi Anita - I just went to my nutrition class 2 weeks ago and I can answer from what the dietician told us. We can't take time-release medications and vitamins because the way our stomach is set up now we will completely digest the vitamin before it has the chance to release. It is important post-surgery to understand that you're stomach and intestines are now set up to be somewhat mal-absorbtive and you will not get the benefits of many slow digesting foods, vitamins, and medications. The best types of vitamins are chewable adult vitamins. Centrum makes a good one, you could try Aribonne brands (my Surgeons office suggests these) and you can crush vitamins up and mix them into morning drinks. There are also chewable forms of calcium too.
   — Jessica Wyatt Robinson

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