Does WLS cause pancreas to go into a tizzy and produce symptoms similar to diabetes?

I was told my an herbalist that my surgery could cause the pancreas to react to less food in such a way as to cause insulin to rise and fall creating the symptoms of diabetes. Has anyone experienced this or does anyone have any insight into this. I am having blood drawn for the third time tomorrow so my doctor can keep check on this.    — Cheryl T. (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
I am pre-op, but I'm also a diabetic. One of the many reasons I'm having this surgery is to get off my diabetes medication. Everyone that I've talked to has said that their blood sugars returned to normal within two weeks. I hope someone post-op can add to this answer.
   — Gail G.

January 7, 2006
I am almost 5 years out. YES.............I am suffering from exactly what you are describing. I had an all day glucose testing Friday. Answers will be Monday. I eat and fall into an almost coma like sleep. THen about 5 hours later I go into an attack of hypoglycemia. My blood levels get into the 20's ( my hubby has a meter to check) is terrifying. As you can imagine, I do everything I can to AVOID eating, just so this cycle doesn't happen.......I have kept all my weight off. I exercise everyday. I eat well. I am following all the rules, but this has happened. I hear it is from over-production of Islett cells from the pancreas. THe pancreas actually grows abnormally. There have been studies coming out on's a new consequence of the RNY. RARE. But very scary. If you are experiencing this or have had this problem, please werite me at [email protected]. I would appreciate learning more to help solve this....... thanks
   — Kathleen H.

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