Is it normal to feel weak after surgery?

I had RNY on 3/5/04 with some complications...I am home now and feel weak and listless at times. I am taking my vitamins and supplements, however i feel the same. Should i give it time. I also feel muscle cramping as well.    — Marissa N. (posted on March 21, 2004)

March 21, 2004
HI Marissa, <br> I just read your profile. Hon, you've had major surgery then been through quite an ordeal. It's very normal for you to feel tired and listeless. It will take a while for your body to recover. Slowly, day by day, you will feel better. Keep taking your vitamins and supplements and following your doctor's instructions as far as diet and medications. I promise, it will get better. <br> I am much older than you and did not have any complications after surgery. It still took me a couple of months to feel up to par. I was very tired, tired out easily, and napped a lot. It's okay. Let your body heal; relax; enjoy your journey!<br> Big (((((HUGS))))) to you! <br> Linda
   — Linda S.

March 21, 2004
<b>Hi, YES, YES, YES. It is so normal. all you can do is sit back and ride it through. Keep doing what your suppose to do and in no time you'll see it's getting better. I had open rny and it took me 2 1/2- 3 months until I started feeling like myself. just when it seem I couldn't take it anymore. Remember this is major surgery and your body has been through alot and it will take time to heal. Get that protein in, this helps in your energy and healing. Hang in there, you will be alright. **Hugs**</b>
   — B4real

March 21, 2004
Those of us WITHOUT complications will take way more than two weeks to feel up to par. Give yourself a break, why do we expect so much from ourselves? We wouldn't consider it abnormal for someone who just went thru a heart bypass or organ transplant or some other major surgery why they didn't feel 100% at two weeks. I promise, if you do not have any more problems and you follow your doctors orders you will start feeling better and better, WITH TIME. Just rest and try to recuperate right now after having this major surgery.
   — Ali M

March 21, 2004
you had a lot done so give yourself the time to get feeling better. It is something that will get better just relax and give yourself a little time
   — Rosemary L.

March 21, 2004
I had no complications and felt like I had been hit by a truck until I was at least 6 weeks out and probably more like 8 weeks. We eat so little and are more than likely a bit dehydrated as well as the after effects of anesthesia. Listen to your body and do no more than you can really handle. You need to give your body as much time as it needs to heal. This is a huge and invasive surgery and requires a lot of post operative rest. One day though (and soon) you will wake up and feel so much better.
   — Carol S.

March 22, 2004
I was told to allow 1 week for every hour you were under to begin to feel better. Your body has been thru major changes and the complications on top haven't helped. Be nice to yourself, trust your body to take care of itself. If your body says sleep than sleep, walk, walk. It's okay NOT to overdo until you feel better. Best wishes
   — Linda M.

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