HELP ME, How/when will this fat lump on thigh go away

I was trying on a swimsuit with joy, only to realize my thighs looked funny. I have a fat, lump (aka saddle bag?) on each other thigh! what the heck! I have been walking so much, I thought my legs looked great until I saw THOSE in the mirror. I walk 45-60 min a day 3-4 days a week, along with weight machines. What can I do about these, aside from lipo? Thanks.    — candylnd24 (posted on April 16, 2004)

April 15, 2004
   — greg17

April 16, 2004
Pray and keep walking. Also, try some toning exercises. It will not get ird of the fat, per se, but it will improve the look of the leg. BTW- I have them too.

April 16, 2004
I have the same problem only to call them lumps is not realistic. The one on the right is the size of a grapefruit and the left is an orange. I have been to 2 PS consultations and they both said lipo wouldn't be the answer. They would have to take them out by surgery, kind of like a TT. One wants $5,500 (outer thigh only) and the other wanted $6,000. I have a consult May 11 at a teaching hospital to see what they charge. In the mean time I will keep buying lotto tickets.
   — Tawnda C.

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