Can someone PLEASE help me......... appeal breast lift

I need help in writing an appeal letter to my insurance company to approve a breast lift. I have NO clue on what to say or anything as this is the first time they have denied me a surgery. Please email me at [email protected] if you have a sample of a letter I could use. Thank you sooo much!!!    — chatterbox213704 (posted on May 13, 2004)

May 13, 2004
Read the denial letter and write back showing along with documents that you meet their criteria. Good luck Gary Viscio
   — gary viscio

May 14, 2004
What are their reasons in the letter for denying you? They must indicate what you do not meet. That is what needs to be addressed, not a bunch of warm fuzzy hurt feelings. Insurance companies do not care about our feelings. They want cold hard facts. If you e-mail me with the details of the letter I might be able to give you some ideas.
   — zoedogcbr

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