I'd Love to see B & A photos of those who have decided on lap band surgery.

The surgery I am really drawn to is lap band. I have heard pros and cons of all the surgery types but hefore I actually put one foot forward I want to know entirely what I am getting myself into. I've been told by multiple people that Lap-band is not the way to go but my gut keeps telling me that is the best choice. I'd like to hear from anyone who decided on this form of WLS and the results they got from it, and photos would be excellent! Thank you all! Sincerely, Sarah    — Sarah M. (posted on June 24, 2004)

June 24, 2004
Hi. Of course no one can tell you which is best for you.. it really depends on what is most important to you. The LapBand (adjustable band) and the NonAdjustable band are both the least intrusive surgeries. They do not involve permanently altering the digestive tract in any way. Both are completely reversible. If this is important to you, you should definitely research these closer. I am sure others here, who have had the other types of surgeries, can tell you the major pluses and the deciding factors they found with their own surgeries. I have had the nonadjustable band. Please let me know if you would like more information. Paula
   — Paula R.

June 24, 2004
Go over to the lap band forum and check out many of the posters there. They have a lot of successful bandsters of which I feel I am completely on my way to being. I had surgery on April 14th this year and am down 47 pounds. You will find many folks who have lost 100 pounds in less than a year over in the forum. Please check it out and see for yourself.
   — Sheila S.

June 26, 2004
how do you get to the "lap band forum?" that was mentioned??
   — Karen B.

July 3, 2004
Hi Sarah, Lap band was the way I wanted to go with weight loss. I found a surgeon who specialized in it, talked to him about it, Only to find out my insurance does not cover lap band. But what he did say, was that its the procedure he prefers to perform. He feels its safer and the weight loss is the same as with the RNY. The way he described it to me was like this... With both procedures, the stomach is made into say, a 2 oz. pouch, so how could weight loss be faster with the RNY as opposed to the lap band. He also said long term the band does not stretch, as with the RNY the opening to the pouch can, not always does, but can stretch over the years. I had thought lap band was my choice simply because none of my major organs would be cut and re-routed with it. I'm finally fine in my decision to have the RNY instead but wish my insurance company would have left the choice up to me. Good luck in what ever you decide to do. :-)
   — Kelley

July 4, 2004
Not to get into a lap vs RNY debate, but I wanted to explain something that was mentioned by Kelley. The RNY also has the malabsorption component of the bypass which, in theory, causes faster weight loss. (Although, it also causes the need for supplementation.) Anyway, no debate here, just a clarification. Shelley
   — Shelley.

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