When figuring protein intake do you use ideal body weight or current weight?

The kind Physician replying to a previous post stated a guideline of no more than 1 to 1.5 gram's per kilogram. But which weight should I go by, present weight or "ideal body weight". The amount would have to be doubled at present weight. Thank you!    — chica G. (posted on October 9, 1999)

October 9, 1999
My nutritionis said that adults need 50-60 grams of protein per day. I would suggest checking with your doctor or nutritionist.
   — Becki M.

October 9, 1999
And what I read says 1.8 for normal people, and a whopping 2.1 for someone with a muscle wasting disease,which rapid weight loss can be considered. Knowing what I knwo NOW, I'd go with 2.1 g per kg of you. Maybe adjust every 3 months, but keep it UP there. The result wil be faster weight loss, better skin elasticity and hair retention, and plenty of energy. Oh, and rapid healing! So, unless you have labs that indicate you're getting too much, you can't overdose after RNY. Just remember never to take more than 30g at one time, and never make up your protein supplement in advance.
   — vitalady

October 9, 1999
The nutritionist I asked about this said she used 125% of ideal body weight for the morbidly obese patients. So figure your ideal body weight then take 125% of that, then at 1 gm per kilogram, should be ok. (not for distal bypasses)
   — Bruce B.

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