Did anyone ever have a numbness in their thigh?

I am today 7 days post op and I have noticed a numbing sensation in my thigh. I've never had this before and I'm wondering if anyone else experienced this? A second question... I am currently on a full liquid diet, but I find that I am constantly hungry. I try to space my meals to 6 per day with plenty of fluid in between, but I'm getting frustrated because I'm so hungry. Is this normal? I'm counting the days when I can have pureed food :)!    — Kim F. (posted on January 18, 2001)

January 19, 2001
I am scheduled to have surgery next Wed. but I did have this occur when I had my daughter last year I had an epidural,and it was a side effect and lasted for several months, I was told not to worry. I don't know if that was part of your procedure but if it was perhaps this explains.
   — Jenny N.

January 19, 2001
I also had numbness in the top part of my legs, my dr told me that there are 2 nerves that come around your hips that supply that part of the leg with feeling and during surgery sometime they get disturbed. My legs kept me up alot right after surgery, but now at 12 weeks out its almost all gone...
   — Tennille

January 21, 2001
I did have problems with my thighs post op. I had numbness and some pain (almost like when your foot falls asleep, only I couldn't do anything to make it go away and it hurt bad. It finally did go away on it's own but it seemed like for ever. Take heart it does get better
   — Jeannette S.

February 22, 2002
I am so glad that I am not the only one!! I was beginning to believe that the doctor did something wrong and he is so wonderful. The foot asleep illustration was great because I did not know how to explain the feeling in my right outer thigh. I have a really nice heated massager that I use to "stimulate" the area, but after I get a tremendous amount of itching on the inside so I have to stuff rubbing or massaging that area.
   — Penny S.

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