When can I take pills again?

Had my first consultation with my surgeon 3 weeks ago. Nice guy, great program, BUT plenty of 'hoops' to jump through. One of them being to consult with my PCP on changing my meds to liquids, or crushables. Then I read on here that all of you post-ops are taking vitamin pills, and meds in pill form. Help! If not right away, how soon can I resume taking pills instead of crushed or liquid meds? ICK! Thanks for your help!!!    — Laurie L. (posted on February 24, 2001)

February 24, 2001
I prefer not to swallow pills. However, we CAN. Pretty much immediately when you start on food, you can swallow small pills (provided you don't have swelling). You can get a pill-splitter at Walmart for about $3 for larger pills. My opening is the size of an M&M, according to my surgeon and anything smaller can slide right through. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

February 24, 2001
I crushed pills for about a week & that was it.
   — Lisa B.

February 24, 2001
I started taking some pills in the hospital. Some were by mouth and others were through a g-tube. When I returned home, I continued to take them this way. When the g-tube came out, 4 weeks later, I took all my pills by mouth but opted for taking more of smaller pills rather than taking a small amount of large pills. I just didn't feel safe with the large pills in my pouch. Also, I always chase the pills down with a mug of tea so to maybe help them melt.
   — mrs.qtip

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