Where can I find liquid Iron??

I'm having surgery in 6 days and the doc told me today I need to get liquid iron. Does anyone know where to find it? I went to Vitamin World and GNC at our mall and neither had it. Thanks!    — Kim B. (posted on January 3, 2002)

January 3, 2002
I had to have my pharmacist order the liquid iron for me, but I strongly suggest that you ask your doctor for a prescription for the chewable prenatal vitamin instead. The liquid iron is the most disgusting tasting vitamin that I have to take. Also, by using the chewable prenatal vitamin, you are getting your daily multivitamins and iron in one and it really does taste much better. Best of luck to you.
   — Julie B.

January 3, 2002
Eewww!!! Think twice about the liquid iron as it is really, really nasty tasting!!! Even putting it in applesauce doesn't mask the tast! I have always been chronically anemic and had to take ferrous sulfate daily to keep my levels up, but when I had the surgery I found that the pills were too big to get down. When I asked my surgeon about it, he said to take Flinstones Chewables with Iron and to take 3 a day instead of the recommended 2. I am almost 5 months post and my Iron levels are just where they should be according to my last blood test a month ago. Good luck and I hope you are able to find something other than the liquid. (If you really do need to use them, check with GNC or any natural health food store in your area.)
   — Kellie Jo B.

January 3, 2002
I use SSS Tonic which is liquid iron. You can get it at any drug store. It nasty but if you drink it fast and chase it with some orange juice it won't be too bad.
   — [Anonymous]

January 3, 2002
You can get liquid iron at Walmart if you need to. I must tell you though, to be careful, as it will stain your teeth. It must be taken through a straw to prevent tooth discoloration and it's horrible tasting. Believe me, I have been on every iron supplement known to man I think. There honestly are some good iron pills out there. Just look around.
   — Barbara H.

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