Brands and places were I can buy Carbonyl Iron in USA

I live here in Mexico City and a friend is going up to the States and she is going to bring me my iron pills. Where should I tell her to buy them. Thanks!    — maureenmosti (posted on April 20, 2003)

April 20, 2003
Sundown brand, also known as Rexall Sundown, makes Carbonyl Iron and I find it at my local Wal-Mart. You could do an online search for the Rexall Sundown name. Good Luck - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -123lbs.
   — Anna L.

April 20, 2003
Did you check with Michelle Curran? great site for things like this.
   — Delores S.

April 21, 2003
I bought mine at Wal-Mart.
   — eaamc

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