Does anyone remember or know the name of the calcuim citrate

Someone posted on here the name of an otc calcuim citrate that comes in a smaller size capsule than most of the horse pills. I can swallow the smaller capsules but not the larger ones. Does anyone remember? Thanks    — Delores S. (posted on October 26, 2003)

October 26, 2003
Delores, TwinLab makes a Calcium Citrate Chewable Wafer (Vitamin Shoppe) and Citracal makes a liqiud tab that is kinda like alka setzler, it dissolves in water and is citrus flavor.
   — heathercross

October 26, 2003
Don't know about the smaller tablets but I just found Caltrate Chewable 600 mg. calcium, only have to take two of these fast melting and chewing a day. Much better than the liquid calcium that I got and wouldn't take it tasted so bad! Only $5.47 for months supply, good deal since I do take it and it's good for my body, a small price to pay for being healthy!
   — Michawn

October 26, 2003
I also take Caltrate 600 Plus Chewables and I love them!! I buy the assorted fruit flavors, and I get them at Wal-Mart for under $5/bt....a full months supply. Also, I take the Centrum Chewable multivitamin/multimineral supplement because they compliment the Caltrate...meaning, they can be taken together and one does not negate the other...very important!!! This is also bought at Waly-World.... and... I get my Vit B-12 there too..which is a little tiny pink pill that I chew up... all in all...I have one full meal just with my vit! lol Love and light, Lisa RNY 11/18/02 286/195/140
   — medium

October 26, 2003
I would say you're talking about Citrical...just make sure you get the kind without Vitamin D (that's what makes them huge, and if you go out in the sun like normal people you really don't need it).
   — Kimberley E.

October 26, 2003
For the previous posters who are taking Caltrate - this is not calcium citrate. Caltrate is calcium carbonate and is the wrong type of calcium for a post-op RNY patient...JR
   — John Rushton

October 26, 2003
This is for Lisa: please check your B-12 box; does it say that they are Sublingual? In that case you should be letting them dissolve under your tongue instead of chewing them up. My surgeon and dietician said that we don't absorb the B-12 in our intestine anymore, so we need to take it either sublingually (it's absorbed through the blood vessels in our tongue) or by taking shots. Otherwise we don't get the full effect of it. <p>I've read on this site that we have some B-12 stored up in our bodies, and since you're so far out I'm sure your labs have been fine so far. I'm just worried about you further down the road. I'm not criticizing you, I just care about you and don't want to see you have a vitamin deficiency down the road!</p> <p>Take care, Moysa
   — Moysa B.

October 27, 2003
caltrate (calcium citrate) can cause gallstones. at least thats what my surgeon told me. but yeah... I just take the horsepills. at least until I am done with this bottle. :-) try the vitamin shoppe. I think I saw a smaller calcium citrate on there. good luck!
   — Katrina K.

October 27, 2003
I bought Calcium Citrate capsules made by Twin labs from The Vitamin Shoppe. I just wanted to make sure that you guys know that Caltrate is not Calcium Citrate, Citracal is. I know it can be a little confusing. Also, please don't think that you don't need vitamin D if you go out into the sun. You get vitamin D from dairy and various other places. The sun helps you to synthesize or use the vitamin D.
   — Morna B.

October 27, 2003 sells a 500 mg calcium citrate capsule that I find easy to swallow (pills are harder than capsules). Its by Natures Science, with mag and D, 240 capsules for 14.99.
   — Cindy R.

October 27, 2003
I use the bariatric Advantage chewable calcium. They come in mint and chocolate... you can get them at or
   — Melissa P.

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