What does the Upper GI show?

I had an Upper GI done today to check for a SLD. I am 10 months post-op Open RNY and have lost 85#, but it took me 5 months to lose the last 10. I am still at 266# and have about 75+ more to go. I asked my Dr. to send me for the test and he did. Anyway, it was a piece of cake, but now I am very anxious to know what the results are. The technician didnt give me any preliminary results. I do have a copy of my xrays. I can not even make out my pouch on the xrays. The entire stomach right to the intestine is bright white on the xray. Is that the barium? Shouldn't I be able to see the pouch pretty clearly if my staple line is intact?    — barbpatter (posted on May 30, 2002)

May 30, 2002
Barbara, You sound just like me! This happened to me at 6 mos post op. When I went for my upper GI it was very easily seen. I had a small leak at the top of the pouch and it was still intact except for that. The pouch filled up (white) and then I could see it (the barium white stuff) flow into the old stomach. The old stomach filled up 1/2 way and it immediately flowed into the intestines. I don't want to diagnosis this as I am not a doctor but if your old stomach turned white.....sounds like your pouch is completely disrupted. I know it is bad news but it is fixable, I promise. I was not transected with my orginal surgery either and one month after the Upper Gi showed the leak, my surgeon went back in and transected my pouch. Since then I have lost 50 more lbs and I am doing great! The "revision" was very much easier than the orginal rny and I am so grateful and thankful that I had it done. Now, I won't ever disrupt again! Please read my profiles part one and part two for more on this. I am sorry you are having a problem, but at least you know what is wrong and it was not anything you did. The nontransected pouch can disrupt at any time because scar tissue will not form to seal when the edges are not separated by physically cutting the old stomach and new pouch apart. Don't blame yourself because this is a mechanical breakdown. Once repaired, you will lose again and it is soooooo much easier to lose! Be sure if you have the repair done, that the surgeon does transect this time. If he/she doesn't do it, find a surgeon who will. It is very important. God bless you and if I can help, please let me know.
   — Marilyn C.

May 30, 2002
Barbara, I just re read your profile and I can hardly believe the similarity in our stories. Darlin, I think your surgeon knew that you had a SLD when he asked "what would you say if I told you that you needed to have the surgery all over again". Your answer was exactly what I said to my surgeon! I just want you to know that you are not alone. This has happened to a lot of us. The advice I can offer you is what Michelle Curran advised is the time to up your protein and prepare for your next surgery. You will heal quicker and easier this time. The weight loss helps make it easier. Your incision drained the first time, so did mine. Second time...not at all! The revision will be only to repair the disruption and you won't have to go through all the intestinal stuff again so other than the incision, it is a breeze. You already know how to eat and yes, you will have to start at square one with liquids, soft diet, etc. BUT the results are so great. You will probably lose an additional 30 or 40 lbs right away just like I did! Please write me and let me know what you decide. Good luck and I am here for you!
   — Marilyn C.

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