Will drinking water after taking vitamins wash them through our pouch w/o absorbing?

I recall being told not to drink 30 minutes before or after eating as it will wash the food through our stomachs too soon etc. Is this the same with vitamins? Should we only drink 8oz to take the vitamin and then wait 30 minutes or more before drinking more water?    — Stephanie D. (posted on August 2, 2004)

August 1, 2004
No, it won't. Vitamins are absorbed in the small intestine.
   — ChristineB

August 1, 2004
The stomach/pouch doesn't absorb nutrients. It is just a holding place until things reach the intestines. The intestines absorb the nutrients from your food and vitamins.
   — Rachel T.

August 2, 2004
YES, I have always waited 30-1 hr before drinking water. I take a sip to take them, but not a lot to flush them through the system. (picture it like flood waters) I worked as a nurse in gastro, we saw undigested pills during a colonoscopy when they had to take mega fluids for the prep. You want the vitamins, like the food to sit in the small intestines as long as possible for max absorbancy.
   — ZZ S.

August 2, 2004
Stephanie... everyone prior to me is right... lol... it will and it won't hurt... let me see if I can explain: When you take your vitamin (if it isn't a chewable) it needs to sit in your pouch and dissolve... sipping a little bit of fluid with it won't hurt, but drinking a lot will cause it to push through faster and give it less absorption time when it hits your small intestine. If you let your vitamin sit in your pouch for 30 minutes to an hour, you are lettting it dissovle into liquid, therefore when it drains into your small intestine, maximum absorption takes place. SO... you can drink a sip or two, but try to stay away from liquids for at least thirty minutes, and then, drink just a little to let it get into your small intestine, and wait another thirty minutes for the best absorption possible. Hope this helps! Sharon
   — Sharon m. B.

August 2, 2004
Thank you all so much for your help. I'm 3.5 years post op RNY and have been battling anemia since day one post op. Turns out I've been doing all the wrong things when I took my vitamins but now I'm getting on the right track and hopefully I can improve my numbers and get rid of the anemia complications (tachycardia, SOB, fatigue etc).
   — Stephanie D.

August 3, 2004
Yes, drinking will force the vitamins through your system too rapidly. Actually, the absorption rate is very low in individuals with full size stomachs and very little for us! I take (and sell) powdered vitamins that you mix with water and the absorption rate has been proven to be 95% within 5 minutes! These vitamins have really made a difference for my energy level and all around. Some people say they do not see a difference, but I surely did and that's how I got into selling them. If you would like information on them to review, I'd be happy to send it to you. Just let me know! Christine [email protected]
   — Christine C.

August 4, 2004
What I've found that works for me is, a new bariatric vitamin product. It's a spray vitamin that you spray into your mouth. That way I don't have to worry about when I take them, if I drink too much or not enough, and my Doctor likes them because they don't have any of that other junk that vitamin pills have! When I'm taking them I only get vitamins! call 1-888-527-3255 or visit
   — dressage C.

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