i have not vomitted at all and can keep all types of food down.

i am 6weeks post op and have not experienced any of the symptons that worried me about this surgery. i was wondering if there was something wrong with me. I am worried now that i will not loose the weight and i did all of this for nothing. I even had cheesecake and sweet potatoe pie for thanksgiving. I still get full pretty fast but can eat and drink all types of foods and beverages. Is there something wrong with me will i succeed with this surgery. Help Theresa    — theresa B. (posted on November 28, 2000)

November 28, 2000
Theresa I too have not experienced the "symptoms" of the surgery. I am 18 months post op and have lost 165 pounds. I have thrown up only twice and then only the water came up. Can tolerate most everything but breads. Just take it one day at a time and watch those sweets. Patsy
   — Patsy M.

November 28, 2000
I have the same "problem"! I am 9 weeks post-op and I have not vomited at all, I can tolerate all foods and I don't even feel like I had surgery, aside from the fact that I have lost 62lbs in just 9 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I am in a dream and I don't want to wake up! My advice(that I follow as well) is to follow your appropriate guidelines, and don't eat to much. I have tried to avoid all sugars, I made myself "almost" fat free and sugar free pumpkin cheescake for thanksgiving, and I get my sweet fix off it everyday since(it should last a while!!). I practically live off of beef jerky and very low fat cheese. I drink at least 32 oz of water a day, but should really drink 64oz. As long as you are losing weight, and eating what you are supposed to don't worry, just enjoy your transformation!!!!!!
   — Lauren P.

November 28, 2000
I didn't vomit at all, either, til I was a few (about three?) months post op. Since then I have had occasional bouts of vomiting, but nothing really bad since the first episode. Also, I seem to be able to tolerate sweets, too. I limit myself to small bites or pieces & I am satisfied with those as I feel in total control of the food now. My weight loss has slowed down some in the last month, but in the 71/2 months since my surgery I have lost 132#. I think it's especially important for those of us who can still eat sugar to never let it get out of control. I really stay on top of my food intake & keep track daily of my calories & protein amounts. I think the most dangerous thing for me would be to start "grazing" again. I really limit my eating to meals & keep away from sugar, even tho it doesn't bother me because I think it DOES tend to increase my hunger & desire for more. Still, it's nice to have "just a bit" once in awhile. :) I have about 60# left to go & am feeling absolutely wonderful. There's no reason you can't succeed with this surgery unless you quit trying. I think I could stop my weight loss now by eating small amounts frequently & eating just a little too much often so that my stomach stretches. In other words, yes, it IS a tool & if you don't use it correctly, it might fail you. I, personally, have way too much invested in this to not do all I can to be successful. I am so healthy now & pain free! I will NEVER again allow food to become more important than my health & happiness. Just keep following your Dr's instructions, Theresa, and go for it cuz you CAN achieve it all! And, by the way, it's just as good as I imagined it would be!
   — Kathy W.

November 28, 2000
Hi, I too am six weeks post-op. The only time I ever felt naseau was in the hospital when they brought me a small serving of (grey looking tuna), I had my son take the tray out. I have tolerated the liquid, soft, mushy, crispy, crunchy and now a regular foods diet with no probs. I have lost 35 pounds thus far and like you worried something was not right. At Thanksgiving I ate very small portions of Jello salad w/fruit, coconut, walnuts & whipping cream, sweet potato casserole, corn souffle, a tablespoon of pumpkin pie filling - no crust, as well as a half tablespoon of pecan pie first sugar since surgery. I was scared to death of naseau and the dumping syndrome which most seem to have. We must be a lucky, rare breed and I will not attempt any additional sugar until Christmas and again at that a small spoon of each...I will not jeapordize my efforts and all I had to go through to getr the surgery. Good luck w/your progress and hope you have a good holiday season and continue to lose weight!
   — Thom C.

November 29, 2000
I am 7 months post-op and have gone from 316 pounds to 212 pounds so far...I only throw up if I get food stuck from eating too fast (chicken, okra so far) I absolutely cannot tolerate sugar which I am glad for because I still crave it often. Just try and stick to the guidelines set by your doctor and you will be fine.
   — Tracey D.

November 29, 2000
Theresa ... you lucky girl! I'm seven months post-op and have periodic (no pun intended, even though most of it does occur the week before my period) bouts of vomiting -- even from foods that I can tolerate the rest of the time. I would echo what others have said -- you will succeed if you want to, if you see your surgery as a tool and not as a cure. Congratulations on being on the "other side" -- and for being able to avoid one of the less wonderful potential side effects of WLS. Warm thoughts always,
   — Cheryl Denomy

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