I am 5'2 and 252....I am very concerned about loose skin after the weight loss.

I would like to hear from anyone that had my similar height and weight see if everyone needs a tummy tuck? Does your WLS dr. dot he TT or a new dr. And does your insurnace pay for it? Also what is a panni? Thanks    — Lisa L. (posted on August 17, 2002)

August 17, 2002
Hi. I was 5'3 and 280 to start. Although I would love to have a flat tummy, it's not so bad as to subject myself at this point to a tuck. I never did have a big tummy though and held most of my weight in my legs, hips and thighs. I think it's very very individual and age may play a part also. I'm 43 years old and had surgery at 40. A tummy tuck is not needed but boy would I love a boob job right now but that's not due to the surgery perse, it's just age creeping up on me. good luck
   — Barbara H.

August 17, 2002
Lisa, everyone is different. Alot depends on the elasticity left in your skin, your age, your genes. I started around where you are..I am 5'3 and was 249. I'm 40 pounds from goal and know I am going to want a tt. Already the hanging tummy is preventing me from fitting comfortably into the right size pants. My surgeon does do tt's but think I prefer going to a plastic surgeon when its time.
   — Cindy R.

August 17, 2002
Lisa, everyone is different, but you have two very important things in your favor. First of all you are young. Secondly, you haven't been MO for very long. If anyone has a shot at avoidig a loose skin problem it it you. There are lots of other things to concentrate on with the surgery. If I were you, I'd let this one go.
   — Amber L.

August 17, 2002
I was 5'2 and 248. I had my tummy tuck done a week and a half ago. I'm about 10 pounds from my goal and my doctor told me that he really didn't remove any fat from my stomach, just a LOT of excess skin. About 4 pounds worth. I had a full abdominoplasty - hip to hip incision only and the insurance covered it at 100%. The abdominoplasty sews all the muscles up in the stomach area above and below the belly button to make them tight again. The panni just cuts off the excess skin below the belly button and doesn't tighten the muscles in the stomach. Wait until your about 25 to 30 pounds from goal and you'll KNOW if you need the tummy tuck or not - trust me!!
   — Patty H.

August 17, 2002
Oh, I forgot to mention, ALWAYS have a plastic surgeon do the tummy tuck. The results will be MUCH better then just a general surgeon doing the work. The plastic surgeon makes such fine stiches that you'll never be able to see them again. You always want to go to a specialist for any kind of work. That's there job and they can do it better then anyone else.
   — Patty H.

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