Border line 38.3 BMI bad family history, Can this count for qualifing for surgery?

I am 49 5'5 230 LBS BMI 38.3 with no medical problems. My family history is a sister 46 cancer strokes and 2 heart attacks starting at age 46. Father and one brother died at 49 heart attacks. Mother heart problems cancer high blood pressure. Other brother cancer. Will this be consider for me to have the surgery?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 16, 2001)

November 17, 2001
See a surgeon. He will run tests for many things that will be considered co morbidities. Sleep apnea if you snore is a common one. Get moving and let the pros handle getting you approved.
   — bob-haller

November 17, 2001
I am also 5'5 and 230 lbs. I tried to apply to my insurance company anyway with no comorbities and they denied me due to low BMI. Maybe your PCP or the surgeon could tell you what sorts of co-morbities they are looking for. My family also has a history of heart disease and diabetes, but I was under the impression that unless I had these things myself they did not count. However, my PCP did mention family history in the letter of medical necessity that he wrote for me. I am planning on re-applying to the insurance company and telling them every little ache and pain I have in addition to gaining the 10 lbs. that will give me a BMI of 40, and hopefully they cannot deny me based on their qualifications. Good Luck!
   — Tara J.

November 21, 2001
My BMI is 36 and I weigh 210. I was approved almost immediatley due to joint and back pain, reflux, etc.... I would be surprised if you don't have any other co morbidities. Or, maybe you are lucky and you are very healthy, in which case you won't need the surgery. Do you have a family history of obesity? Unless your familie's health problems were weight related, you may not need surgery. FYI.. no obesity whatsoever in my family ( except me!) But my parents both died very young, cancer, etc....Best of luck to you .
   — Michelle P.

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