Will my voice become clearer or higher in pitch?

When I was a teenager (I wasn't obese, barely overweight) I had tonsilitis. It was so bad it affected my voice (sounding like my mouth was full, or sounding as if I were a transvestite and IMPERSONATING a female voice). Any hoo, after my tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy, my voice was changed dramatically (people really took notice it was so dramatic, didn't recognize me on the phone). Well, as I got heavier, Now I sound a lot like I did when I had the tonsilitis. I was wondering, once I lose the weight, will my voice change to like it was after I had the tonsillectomy or am I doomed to always sound like my mouth's full or I always have a sore throat (you know, some people can tell a "fat" person by their voice and I think I have that voice.) Thanks Terri    — tinky471 (posted on August 31, 2003)

August 31, 2003
Total guess here but since all body tissues can carry fat it is possible for the throat tissues to be fat and they will lose weight along with everything else. The fat in the tissues may have lossened the muscles and tissues also and that is why the voice change. It also may have to do with your talking due to breathing issues that you do not recognize. My assistant a number of times told me I was wheezing or breathing heavy yet I did not notice it. She told me not too long ago that I don't do that any more, so anything is possible. I'm afraid you won't know until you are quite a ways post-op.
   — zoedogcbr

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