New Image Bariatric Surgical Associates

Bariatric Center
Rating: 4.81818181818 out of 5 with 54 ratings

New Image Bariatric Surgical Associates Bariatric Center

54 Reviews for New Image Bariatric Surgical Associates
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Dr.Coon is new at this bariatric Surgery. In August he will have done maybe 10 all together. His assistant PA is a nice well understanding guy. Dr.Coon is understanding also. He knows what you have been through and why you are in his office today. He makes you feel like you are in control of your own body decisions, which is nice. He makes you understand the risks of surgery if you dont follow the guidlines. He doesn't just want to give this surgery to someone who is gonna not take care of their body through out life after surgery. Overall this surgeon is known locally to be a very good surgeon. I asked the opinion of another doctor in town and he said go to missoula for this kind of surgery for the after care. But I chose Dr.Coon because I have young boys and missoula is an hour away. I am concerned with the hospital staff locally in ronan that I would have to have the surgery at. I am awaiting insurance approval.


My first impression of him was he is a very caring person. He takes time to talk with you about things, and answers your questions.
My impression hasn't changed over time.

His office staff is great. They are caring and friendly and helpful.

Presently there isn't any thing I can think of that I don't like about him.

The future patients need to know he caring, and very helpful. He will answer your questions truthfuly and to the point.

He does a great job at aftercare. I had my gallbladder taken out by him, and he did a great job. He sees you for as many visits as possiable. I havn't had the stomach surgury yet, so I don't know about a structured aftercare program.

He answers your questions trufully, and hands out pamplets, and videos.

I would rate him as a great Doctor, and number one. In our area, I have not heard any bad about him.

Both his surgical competence, and bedside manner is great.

I can't think of any thing negative to say. I'll up date as I go along. Every person's experienc is different.


I liked Dr. Coon. He impressed me as a very
meticulous man that cared about what he was
telling me. He talked at length with me.
His office staff are very nice and ready
to help as much as they can.Very friendly.
It is my understanding that Dr Coon has
already had an "inservice" at the hospital
to train the staff on how to care for the
patients having this surgery.He also told me
personally that he wants a support group
in place to help patience in all stages of
this process.
Dr Coon explained the surgery and the risks and did
sketches to give me an idea of how it is
done and what happens when a person eates
wrong; such as sugar and fat and overeating.
He will sew instead of staple and hopefully
that will prevent the stomach pouch from
tearing and leaking.

He has a definate plan to follow after the
surgery to prevent complications.I would give
him a very good rating so far and will say more
on that after surgery


First Impression: Very genuine, very personable, very kind and supportive.

No changes. He and his staff were outstanding during every phase of the process.

I can't think of anything I didn't like about him or his staff. The videos we had to watch at our first consultation were a little dry. I'm sorry, I have nothing negative to say.

Aftercare is strongly emphasized as well as support groups.

Risks of surgery were given in a straightforward manner and compared to the risks of not losing weight. A No-Brain decision for me anyway.

I would rate Dr. Coon as an outstanding surgeon and human being. It is rare to find doctors who are so sincere and genuine.

I rate all aspects equally as outstanding and highly recommend Dr. Coon to anyone considering bariatric surgery.

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