Carlos Ferrari

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 with 236 ratings

Carlos Ferrari Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

26 yr Experience

16 yr in Bariatrics

22 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

98% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

236 Reviews for Carlos Ferrari
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I changed to Dr. Ferrari after deciding to have the RNY rather than the VBG. Dr. Ferrari is a member of the the Board of Bariatric Surgeons (specializing in weight loss surgery)and he has many years experience, which is definately a plus!
He seemed to be a nice man, and he was very good at putting me at ease--(I don't like doctor visits!) His staff was very nice and friendly, and they have been proactive in helping me with the insurance company.
Even though he was very busy, with 4 patients waiting, he answered all my questions about the surgery, drew it out, and told me to call back if I had others.
He participates in the NeWeigh program, which has surgery at a certain hospital and a good aftercare program I'm told.


MY first impression of Dr. Ferrari was that he was a very caring Doctor and he seems very experienced in these procedures. He took the time to sit me down and explain the entire process of the VBG and Roux-N-Y. I did not feel pressured to choose either surgery, and was informed equally on each. His office staff at Neweigh was very helpful and tried to make me feel as relaxed as one can feel when making this type of choice. They were very supportive of their aftercare the extent of repeating this information several times by several different people I saw. I feel that if I can get through the Insurance process of this, I will be supported by the staff of Neweigh and Dr. Ferrari. I am very hopeful about the surgery.


Dr. Ferrari is so nice. From the moment he started talking to me I was totally at ease. He is very attentive and compassionate and very supportive of the ROUX EN Y surgery that i want to have. He explained in detail what he would do and when I stated that I really didn't want staples on my outer incision, he said he
would do something else that would help and told me to be sure and remind him. I can't say enough good things about Dr. Ferrari and the staff at Neweigh.

When you get surgery thru Neweigh, you are getting the benefit of 2 surgeons. Dr. Ferrari and Dr. Jayakumar assist each other in surgery. WOW!!! Oh and by the way, contrary to what you might read from others, Dr. Ferrari DOES do the RNY surgery as well as the VBG


so far he seems very friendly


Excellent. Very caring and kind.


Dr.Ferrari is wonderful.Very warm and personal.Willing to spend time to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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