Kenneth Printen

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 48 ratings

Kenneth Printen Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

35 yr Experience

35 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 15

Max Age of Patient is 70

48 Reviews for Kenneth Printen
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he is warm and wonderful. he has a twinkle in his eye that tells me everything is going to be just fine. he loves what he does and it shows. after a few visits i feel safe and secure. his staff is very nice, and very helpful. they always seem cheerful and happy to take my questions. there was nothing i didn't like. whats not to like? dr. printin has done thousands of this type of surgery and yet i feel like i'm very special to him. i think all his patients do. he answered every question i had and seemed in no hurry to rush me out. there is structered aftercare but i will learn about that on my next visit. I would give him an overall rating of AA+. his bedside manner is calm, gentle and he has a wonderful sense of humor. i have a friend who had surgery with him and from her i see that his surgical competence is great. i'll let you know from 1st hand experience after i get home from the hospital.


dr. Printen's office was very thorough they send you a book and then you make an appoinytment. He has agreat bedside manner.


I am a Critical Care Nurse and have enjoyed an excellent professional relationship with him since 1986. He confessed that he had wanted to provide me with this surgical option since he had first met me, but waitied until I had approached him about it.

I always found him more than competent in every way. That's high praise from an RN.


I needed to get a lot of info on my own...surgeons are very busy, and once they have said something, you will rarely get a second explanation in the same detail.

He knows his stuff!!

It's all aftercare...the surgery is just a tool, not the answer to weight loss.

Yes, there is a structured aftercare program.

We discussed risks during the initial evaluation visit. It was complete.

A strong "A".

Surgical Competence Rules!!!!


HE was a very nice man who has done many surgerys of this type. I felt very comfortable with him. His office staff is WONDERFUL!
He emphasizes after care and gives out a menu for us to follow. He addressed all the risks of surgery even the dreaded risk of death. HE did keep his sense of humor about it and put me at ease.


Dr. Printen is a very well spoken and warm person. He answered each and every question I had (no matter how stupid I thought the question). Got to see him 2 times before surgery. He wanted to see my fiance also as he said this would affect him also.

His office staff is the best. Every time I called to ask about insurance or other items, they were very, very helpful and friendly.

Dr. Printen wants me to do 20 minutes a day of walking before surgery and 20 minutes a day after surgery. He stressed that there is a great need for after care - support groups, exercise, dietitian counseling, psychiatric counseling if necessary.

So far, I would rate Dr. Printen on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) about an 8.

My surgery is on Sept. 22, 2000 - I will get back to this then to update.

After having surgery, Dr. Printen is in my eyes one of the best surgeons to have. His bedside manner was excellent, visited me every day in the hospital. Also I have found out that his fees include visits to his office for the next year. No copay. No insurance billing.

The reason why I rated Dr. Printen an 8 and not a 10 is because of the distance I have to travel to get to his office and the times that are available for appointments. I have to take time off from work for follow-ups. Dr. Printen, as a surgeon, is the best.


My first impression of Dr. Printen was that he is a very warm and compassionate person who was very knowledgeable. He does not seemed rushed when you meet with him which is very nice when you have a lot of questions. He is open and honest about the surgery and the risks involved. This allows you to make an intelligent decision. His office staffs are Great! My experience with them has been very pleasant. Even when I have called on more than one occasions and probably have asked some of the same questions. Much thanks to Dr. Printen and his staff. Dr. Printen was highly recommended by my physician.


Met him once, was very friendly and personable. We meet again in May. Office staff very nice!!!


I am a diabetic. My endocrinologist recommends Dr. Printen and says that he has performed over 2,000 WLS over the last 10 years. He feels that he does very good work.

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