Rajeev Vohra

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.2 out of 5 with 110 ratings

Rajeev Vohra Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

Rajeev Vohra Bariatric Surgeon Picture

34 yr Experience

20 yr in Bariatrics

30 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

20 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

85% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 75

110 Reviews for Rajeev Vohra
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I was very confident in Dr. Vohra and has no second thought. I felt great afterwards and would do it again, if I had to.


Very happy with the results of the surgery.


Dr. Vohra and staff was friendly, helpful and supportive. They really covered everything I couldn't think of, including this web-site.

P.S. Dr. Vohra is really a warm cuddely bear.


I was treated with respect and care. I highly recommend the NY Bariatric group and Dr. Vohra to anyone looking to get control of their weight and life! Thanks for all the support everyone in the office gave me and my family!


I saw Dr. Vohra for the first time at a seminar about bariatic surgery. I didn't really know what to think about him. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about. He gave good information about the different type of procedures that were available. I think I was in shock that I was actually thinking about doing this type of procedure. I love the office staff! Everyone is so warm and easygoing. All my questions were answered. They helped with type of tests that Dr. Vorha wanted me to have. They have different contacts to help you get the tests done if you don't have that type of doctor. However, you don't have to use their contacts. Dr. Vorha explained the procedure and asked me what type of surgery I wanted. He was very supportive especially when I was freaking out in the office about another procedure I had to have done first. Although the surgery I had was done laprocopically, I was still unprepared for the feeling immediately after surgery. I don't think that is something that is easily explained. I would recommend Dr. Vorha. I felt confident as I was undergoing the procedure. He explained his protocol which I found very helpful. I was up and around (although slowly) within a few days. His staff is excellent and professional. I am thinkful that they are there with me. I had a good expereience with them. I only wish that the information that I was given was separtated from lapband and gastric bypass. It would have made it easier for me to follow.


Dr. Rajeev Vohra what can I say, everything people raved on was true. He is such a nice man, and I felt very comfortable with him. I will be have sleeve done. I first meet with Joan, she is such a doll. She not only made me feel welcome but my daughter too who accompanied me. Thanks Joan. Then I meet Sameera. I first meet her at the support group and she was very nice. It was so easy to talk with her, and she is very sincereand I love her too right off the bat. Over all the entire staff was friendly, what can I say about this group, wonderful, wonderful wonderful.


Dr. Vohra is the best. I think he is a wonderful man and an excellent physician. I trusted my life with him 200%. I'd recommend him to anyone interested in bariatric surgery!!! Dr. Nishimura is so wonderful, also. He is so compassionate and asks about my overall life, not just about my sleeve. He knows my issues and always tries to help me through some hard times. He is very very good at giving pep talks because it works every time! Dr. Huang, Gabe, Tom, Danielle, Jill, and Gail, and Diane are great, too. I would highly recommend Dr. Vohra and Dr. Nishimura to anyone considering WLS. Dr. Nishimura removed my gall bladder 11/8/06. Between my VSG and my gall bladder, they were both successful with no complications!!!




My first impression was not all that great, thouhg i did get possitive feedback from previous patients and my Internist. All preop appointments were with staff and not the actual doctor. I met him the first time the day of surgery in the preop area. The office staff was freindly, however they are extreemly busy and waiting time for an appointment can be over 6 weeks. there are monthly support groups but when i went they seemed to be more pre op patients there looking for answers instead of actually help with our post op concerns. It felt as if once surgery was over the doctors role was over as well..we see a PE for fills. There is little to no nutritional guidence after. (if i knew how to eat right or had the self control i needed i would not have needed the surgery. Surgery was covered by my insurance as were the fills but now (2 years in and still struggling) he no longer takes insurance wich leaves going for fills or checkups a financial hardship.


So far, I have mixed feeling about the staff..first visit everyone, including Dr. V were very nice, upbeat and friendly. Second visit, PA, Shameera, was lovely, but the NUT and rest of staff were not too interested and not too friendly...seemed I was bothering them by being there. I have now learned the name of the NUT I saw the first time and I will be only dealing with Danielle.

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