Scott Fisher

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 53 ratings

Scott Fisher Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

21 yr Experience

20 yr in Bariatrics

21 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

20 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

40% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

53 Reviews for Scott Fisher
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I am scheduled to meet with Dr. Fisher on Thursday, November 2. He has performed WLS on three other people where I work so I will see if he does anything like a \"buy 3, get 1 free\" special! LOL, ok, not really, but when I told his coordinator that she laughed and told me I should. We'll see. I've heard wonderful things about him, and from his picture, I like him.rnrnI will add an update after this week.rnrnOK, here it is, January 14 and I haven't updated!rnrnI like Dr. Fisher a lot. He's very down to earth, easy to talk to, answers all your questions, etc. I feel very comfortable and confident with him.rnrnJanuary 31, surgery was January 22. rnrnDr. Fisher came to see me each day after surgery. I felt that I was always in good hands with him.


My first impression of him was that he seemed to be very compassionate. The office staff is very helpful and wonderful. I love their scale, very discreet despite the size. Dr. Fishers office is very into before and after care, and requires several appointment following post op year. The after care program is very structured, they truly want success for all of the patients. He was very honest regarding the risks of surgery. Overall I would say that Dr. fisher is very competent as well as his staff. I really love Jodi Currie, she has been so helpful, and I am very thankful. Surgical competence and bedside manner are both very good attributes that Dr. Fisher and his staff have. The only thing I have negative I would have to say about them is they have a lot of patients and my surgery date will take a bit longer because of scheduling of other patients already in front of me. I am being a bit selfish don't you say?


Dr. Fisher is such a wonderful person. He holds his patients well being as his highest priority and truly cares.


'I have a new surgeon. Dr. Fisher in Colorado Springs. I haven't had a chance to meet him yet


Dr Fisher is a very young doctor - everyone always says that... but it is true... I have looked for the gray hair and have not been able to find any ;-). He is also very easy to talk to and genuinly cares about his patients. My husband had GBS last year with Dr Fisher... I thought he was great then... but I think he is even better now as I get to work with him for my own surgery!

The whole CSSA program is very structured as far as making sure people are ready to have the surgery and that they make good choices afterwards. They require you to go through a year long program after the surgery with a nutritionist... they are all great and very helpful. This does not guarentee success... because if you really want to fail, you will... but it does help!


Dr. Fisher was very detailed in his explaination and very personable. He explained what my risks could be and what I had to do after the surgery.

I had no complications from the surgery and he made my scars very very small :) He gave me the encouragement I needed in the hospital to get out of bed and walk around the hospital.

His staff has been very helpful as well. When they switched computer systems one of my followups got lost...I flew in for my appt and called them and they (and Dr. Fisher) squeezed me in.

Overall you couldn't ask for a better doctor or better staff. I've recommended him to family member who's considering the surgery as well.


very good.


My original visit with one of Dr. O'rourke's associates Colorado Springs, was not what I expected. I felt a little hurried, Dr. Fisher was informative and tried to answer my questions to the max. I don't know if I felt that way because I was so nervous to begin with. My surgery will be performed by Dr. Fisher. I don't have an exact date yet because I am currently doing all of the screening exams. Barb, the very nice nurse, thinks that we are looking at the 2nd week in February. I can't wait!!!!!


My first impression of Dr. Fisher was that he was extremely knowledgeable and confident in what he does. He explained thoroughly the procedure and any complications that could arise. He answered any questions that I had, and didn't rush me at all. He just projects a comforting manner that put me more at ease with the entire thing. When he came to see me at the hospital, my mother commented that he seemed like a very caring dr. I would recommend him to anyone!
The office staff overall are ok, just not overly friendly. I did expect more help with my insurance company, but once Barb sends in the ppwk, it was all up to me.
The aftercare program is great, with a year's worth of nutritionist visits included.


My first impression of him was that he seemed young. (He's 36). He took a lengthy time explaining the procedure and complications with me, and initially I decided that the surgery wasn't right for me. That was not a problem for him or his staff. It wasn't until a year later that I decided to do it.

My impression over time has remained positive. I must say that all of the hospital support staff that I have run into all think Dr. Fisher's the greatest! They all comment on how good he is both in doing the surgery and in just his overall niceness.

His office staff are professional, busy, and seem to go all out for you, especially after you have the surgery approved and ready to go. I'm sure they have a number of patients in various stages of readiness and juggling them all can be a chore. This office handles many surgeons and many different types of surgeries, and although Dr. Fisher does other surgeries, the majority of his work is gastric bypass. The office on average does around four per week I think they told me.

The only thing I didn't like about Dr. Fisher is that he occasionally speaks really fast and can mumble through some answers. Other that that he's great.

This office emphasizes aftercare a lot. You follow up with Dr. Fisher, as well as a dietician numerous times. In fact, you have to pay up front for the dietician/psychiatric evaluation, which then includes dietician visits afterward.

I would rate Dr. Fisher as a great surgeon, I would say his surgical competence outweighs his bedside manner, but he's still a reassuring, great doctor.

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