Steve Webb

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 78 ratings

Steve Webb Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

Steve Webb Bariatric Surgeon Picture

34 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

28 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch




Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

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78 Reviews for Steve Webb
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My first impression of Dr. Webb is that he understands why I'm there and takes the time to answer any questions or concerns you may have.rnrn


Dr. Webb is a great doctor, had a very good experience with him. My only complaint is the lack of time he visted with me in the hospital. He seemed very rushed. Everyone on his staff has been very helpful whenever needed. Would recommend them to anyone looking for a surgeon.


I first met Dr. Webb in conjunction with my best friend's surgery. He is caring and consiterate. He is somewhat conservative, but very carefull. I like the pre-op and post-op affiliation with the LAPWLS; they have a very comprehensive program.


My first visit with Dr. Webb I had to wait a while before seeing him. The office staff was great. While waiting, I completed a multiple choice test on bariatric surgery for Dr. Webb. He wants to make sure you know what the surgery is all about. When we started talking, I found out I had gotten one question wrong. Dr. Webb was great explaining the reason why my answer was wrong and then why the correct answer was the correct one. He really wants to be sure everyone understands the possible complications, the surgery procedure and answer any questions.


Dr Webb, was a total GENTLEMAN, soft spoken, tenderhearted and kind. rnrnHis office staff was a bit standoffish, however, when I got to know them they were/are very helpful.rnrnDr Webb has a support group Laprascopic Weight Loss Surgery group. The support group is going through transition. I would hope for the better.rnrnDr Webb is very compentent and has an excellent bedside manner. He will spend as long as necessary to answer your questions and put you at ease.rn


'I first met Dr. Webb at an informational seminar. He answered the questions in a direct manner. He was candid with some of his answers.rnMy impression of him has not changed across time. He has an odd sense of humor at times


'My first impression of Dr. Webb is that he was very professional


Dr.Webb is wonderful! He truly cares about his patients. He not only has a great reputation but a wonderful staff. I can never really say enough good things about him. He is tops in his field with a good aftercare program and support group. It is hard to find a surgeon that meets all your needs but he did just that for me! I am thankful for Dr.Webb and his staff!


I had a very positive experience with Dr. Webb, his attention to detail was comforting and his bedside manner is very warm and inspires confidence.


My first impression of Dr. Webb is that he is a soft spoken southern gentleman. Very down to earth and a concerned physician.

Dr Webb's office staff were very helpful and pleasant. Dr. Webb's WLS centers staff are great also, especially Lois. She has been so pleasant and helpful.

Dr. Webb has a Lap WLS center for his patients aftercare along with him overseeing the monthly and every 3 month blood work results.

It was mandatory to attend a seminar where the risks of the Gastric bypass and lap band surgery were discussed.

I would rate Dr. Webb exceptional. Dr. Webb possess both a great bedside manner and surgical competence.

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