Van Wagner

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 74 ratings

Van Wagner Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

11 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is NA

Kumaran Chinnappan Profile Pic
Kumaran Chinnappan

74 Reviews for Van Wagner
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I like Dr. Wagner very much. He is very intelligent and well-spoken. The office staff are courteous and efficient


My first consult with Dr. Wagner was ok. I think he is a very skilled surgeon. He was very nice and informative, giving me ALL my options. I left his office all confused and undecided though. I called Sarah, his office manager, to tell her I had decided to stick with the RNY. He seems to be very concerned about after care.


I met Dr. Wagner at my seminar through New Start, and my first impression was WOW he is young. I also thought he was nice, smart, and caring person. He took the time to talk to me after the seminar and answer all my questions.
When I had my consultation he listened to me and help me understand how everything was going to happen. My impression of him has gotten even better, he will fight for his patients. He did for me with my insurance company.
Sarah is his office manager and she is WONDERFUL. She always makes time to talk to me when I call and she tries to answer all my questions and if she doesn't know the answer she will find it.
I think all future patients should know I feel Dr.Wagner and Sarah are the best.
Dr.Wagner feels aftercare is as important as the surgery. He has explained everything I need to do and what signs to watch for to keep healthy and to know if something is wrong. He explained the risks of surgery. We went over all the Pros and Cons.
I rate Dr.Wagner and Sarah on a scale of 1-10, they are a 10.


My first impression of Dr. Wagner is wow he's young and this is the field he chose. TO help people loose weight. That in itself showed me he had a kind heart. He was very informative and compassionate. His office was a bit undesirable but he just started in st. louis and his office was getting fixed up. Dr. Wagner said that the after care was as important as the surgery. Dr. Wagner participates in the new start program and there are a multitude of support groups available to me after the surgery. Everything was mentioned about the risks and benefits of this surgery. When you combine a compassionate surgeon with good technique and skill. I believe you have suceeded there.

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