on 2/9/09 9:15 am - midland, TX
RNY on 02/17/09 with
GUYS AM WEEK TWO of my liquid diet .....was doing great and bam!!  i fell hard.....i had shripm on sat and sunday i was sooo bad i had pizza .....lots    omg  i just pray this wont intervine with my process!!!   but it was sooo good and its making me feel   am questioning whether this is right? am i nuts? am giving up my most loved pizza and pasta   OMG this normal am freaking out ....and my surgery is on 2/16/09
Stephanie L.
on 2/9/09 10:00 am - Belleville, Canada
RNY on 02/17/09 with
I'm so sorry you have to do the 2 week diet! That must be unbelievably hard!! I don't think you've messed up to the point of the surgery being cancelled..... just get right back on your diet! You only have to give up pizza and pasta for a little while, not forever!! You WILL have this stuff again!
I think it's normal to be having these feelings this close to surgery. Your whole life is about to change..... just remember it's going to change for the better!!!
Contact me at [email protected] for information about the Belleville area support group :)  or visit our new OH group page
on 2/9/09 11:28 am - Beantown, MA
I did the two week liquid diet and I sincerely know how hard it is. Are you allowed one real meal during this liquid diet? What are the instructions your surgeon gave to you? definitely get back on track refocus and know you can sincerely do this. Have faith in yourself.You can do it, it's only two weeks out of your life hun.
on 2/10/09 12:47 am - Timmins , Canada
ME AND YOU BOTH!!!! I love my food to I must confess. However its learning to eat all over with a healthy mind and portion control. I have slipped last night to be exact. I did good all day and last night well i caved into a small bag of onion rings and chocolate. It could of been worse I couldve gotten a big bag and 2 chocolate bars like I used to. I am punishing myself today. I know I screwed up yesterday... so today I will be strick on myself. I did it to myself, I though I love my food, its my love for food that I got me this size that i am. URGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG control control control. lets get back on track together!
MSW will not settle
on 2/12/09 5:42 am, edited 2/12/09 5:42 am
Stop now that you've got it out of your system.  Don't let it snowball. 

I had my surgery on your bad day after after a few bad days I wish I could take back myself.  I was so consumed with cravings two nights before my due date that I made a decision to have a small portion of  something just to get through the weekend.  I'm not proud of it but I am glad I was able to stop. 

Stay away from dangerous places.  I'm day three post op having the same difficulty I had day three pre op out of habit and desire not hunger.   You will be back on track and stay there if you avoid your worst triggers. 

You'll be ok!  Next week we'll be post op together. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


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