Two Days left!

on 6/16/09 3:12 am - New Haven, CT
Thursday is approaching fast and I really can't tell what this is I am feeling.  I am snapping at people.  Why am I snapping at people?  They took me off 5 of my medications that I have been taking for years.  They said that I would bleed to much during surgery. OK!
I have a fly in my house that has to die!!!!!!!!!!  It is aggravating me!
I have to take off my nail & toe polish.  Don't they know how much it cost to get your nails done these days?  And who wants to be in the hospital with ugly nails?
I have an ovarian cyst that gives me pain, and can't get that handled until after my VSG surgery.

Maybe I'm just more nervous than I thought I was!  I know everything is going to be alright!
Maybe I just needed to vent!  I need hugs everybody!!!!!!!!!!


Starting Weight- 394

Weight as of July 12, 2010-  270


on 6/16/09 3:56 am - Elon, NC
HUGS Girl!  I know the feeling...and I was stupid enough to get polished tips on my nails yesterday!  I just got over a stomach virus and I am not even sure if they will let me have surgery on Thurs......I will find out in a moment.....I hope everything goes great for you and I will keep in touch!  I don't stop taking my anxiety medicine until the day before surgery.....Take care!">">>

on 6/16/09 4:48 am
Just breathe Mama! lol  You're going to be fine!!!  I can remember being anxious like you would not believe during my wait and get surgery was post poned a week because I messed around and got bronchitis the day before date!  Take this time to prepare yourself and girl them nails will irritate the mess out of you while in the hospital so taking them off is doing yourself a favor.  Good luck on your day and I can't wait for you to experience your new life.  It's wonderful Honey!
on 6/16/09 5:47 am - Pensacola, FL
 Sweetie...I'll give you a big hug. I know exactly how you feel. I feel that way every day. I snap at everybody.
on 6/16/09 7:33 am
Just know that all is well.  You have waited for this moment for a long time. You may have crossed many mountains and hurdles in getting here.  Embrace the moment, your life is about to change.  I am not sure exactly what you are feeling, but my surgery is 8 days away and I can't wait.  My biggest decision now is whether I am going to stay with VSG or go RNY.
on 6/16/09 8:21 am - New Haven, CT
Anxious!!  That's what it is!  An overwhelming state of anxiousness!  All of you are so nice for responding.  And the hugs are great!!!!!!
I'm taking deep breaths and trying to relax.  I just can't wait to start losing this weight!!!!!!
Oh to feel young again!  I feel like a trapped prisoner in my own body, and that's sad.


Starting Weight- 394

Weight as of July 12, 2010-  270


on 6/16/09 9:57 am
I am just the opposite right least on the outside. I am calm and pretty well in control on the outside. On the inside I am a nervous wreck! My date is the 18th as well. I have lost about 25lbs since I got my date and I really hope that will help me during recovery. I am trying really hard to work past the mortality rate of 1 in 50 my Doc gave me. Best of luck to us both
Pippi Blankenship
on 6/17/09 8:00 am - WV
Best Wishes for you Princess. A great big hug from every one to you..       You will do great. Just keep us posted when you feel like it. I know you will be sore for a couple of days.
on 6/23/09 10:06 am


Greetings, how are you. I just want to follow up and see how you are doing since your surgery.

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