
(deactivated member)
on 6/19/09 3:52 am
I was realized this morning and got here a couple hours ago.  Its good to be back (even if there's housework to be done--but I'm leaving that for hubby).

My hubby said the doctor said I did great w/ my pre-surgery diet (I lost 50 lbs) and he was able to perform the surgey with ease. 

Had a little scare when I woke up initially, I couldn't breathe well because of my asthma.  I remember my arms flailing and they were yelling at me asking "Carin, why are you doing that?" Cause I'm trying to get air you morons, give me oxygen.  LOL, no I didn't say that, just told them I couldn't breathe.

The worst of it was getting the x-ray the next morning and having to drink that fluid.  Ugh, that was the nastiest, even iafter they diluted it w/ water (and they didn't do that until after I'd drank half of it.  I got sick before drinking it and got sick after.  Fortunately, no issues w/ my stomach. 

I spent much of yesterday feeling nauseated, but doing better today.  Just can't shake this little headache, and the bright light bothers me, but I know those will go away in time.  I'm attempting to eat some terrible tasting and bland chicken broth here.  Yuck, I want whatever the hospital gave me, LOL.

Well even tho I'm new here, I just wanted to give an update.

on 6/19/09 8:36 am - MI
Welcome home Carin and thanks for the update.  From what I read on this forum. every day gets better and better.  YUCK on the xray drink.   Hopefully you can get on soft foods soon.  Keep up the excellent work.  50# pre-op is very impressive.

on 6/19/09 10:18 am
hey Carin.  Glad to see that you're home.  I too had problems with my breathing due to my asthma.  It's just now getting better, but I still have to take my inhalers more than I did pre-surgery.  Hang in there....it does get better.
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