Transfer Addictions... is it really true what they say? pic included.

on 12/15/10 2:19 am, edited 1/5/11 6:50 am
Hello fellow Julyer's,

Wow... the board is pratically a ghost town.  I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season thus far.  I updated my blog today and thought I would post an excerpt here just in case anyone else might be heading this direction.

....from my blog:
Don't take the warnings about what they say about transfer addictions lightly.  THIS IS REAL!   I've started to be Miss Social Butterfly lately... I've been drinking Wine like crazy.  And I'm talking a bottle by myself in a day.  Rite Aide had this stellar deal on Pinot Grigio and I bought 6 bottels on Friday.  By Wednesday.... all 6 bottels were gone.  I stopped drinking water and replaced with wine.   I really wouldn't consider myself a drinker prior to surgery... although I did love beer (which I can't stand now)... but now... I'm taking 10 steps backwards and that's where I probably gained 6 pounds.  I'm no fool... I know I gotta check myself.  I have.  I writing this in my blog now for reflections.  Damn I have something else to watch. 

I wish you all happiness in 2011...

Love and Peace...


Still hovering in the 170's - 16 months later!
AT GOAL in 336 days...!
SW / CW / GW
299 /174.5/ 175
6' tall - size 10


on 12/15/10 3:47 am
Well you look great!

I know what you mean.  I am addicted to food STILL. Of course I cannot eat like I used to but Jeez I sure obsess about it. I'm starting a "fast" of protein shakes and one meal just to help me stay on track. 
on 12/15/10 4:13 am
Thanks Shida...

Yeah... food is still food.  I'm eating all the wrong stuff too... nachos are my daily food of choice and not to mention the devils over at the Hostess plant who make the best damn crumb donuts on earth! 

Well...your almost to goal I see which is AWESOME.... keep up the great work!

AT GOAL in 336 days...!
SW / CW / GW
299 /174.5/ 175
6' tall - size 10


on 12/15/10 10:11 am
I feel ya.. mine addictions is SHOES... on 35 PAIR... mostly BOOTS...WHAT THE HELL.. What will I wear during the SUMMER!!..LOL
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 12/17/10 1:46 am - MONTICELLO, MN
Well I'll be honest I was a little worried about transfering to alcohol.......I have many alcoholics in my family.......But I think I've dodged that bullet......however, I should be going to shopaholics anonymous because I have a serious problem.  We are talking $1000 a month easily on "stuff"....I'm not surprised by this either since I've always been the type of person to buy whatever I want, just not to the extreme I'm at now.  I think reflection is good and knowing there is a problem is half the battle......I pray you have the strength to get yourself through this......
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  36 years old
5'7"   HW 256 / SW 240 / CW 145 / GW 140
on 12/21/10 3:18 am - Florham Park, NJ
I hear ya girls. I'm so addicted to food and because of the holidays it's so much harder. I don't eat nearly the way I used to but it's alot easier to snack on small things a little at a time.  I've gained about five pounds and I'm so mad at myself!!!  I keep saying January 1st I will get serious but I should get serious NO!  I stopped walking because of the cold weather.  Enough with the excuses! It's time to get serious!  Good luck to everyone and Merry Christmas!!!!
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