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Ms Jean
on 11/26/04 9:58 am - Mid, MI
Topic: 2 year anniversary today
Hello all, Thanks to surgery, my life is so different now. My daughter and I got up this morning at 6:00 a.m. and hit the mall for some pre-Christmas personal shopping. I bought several shirts in size medium and a new pair of boots (I may wrap them and put them under the tree so that I do not feel too selfish ) Two years ago today, I had surgery the day before thanksgiving and was walking the halls of BTC recovering. I started at 266 size 24-26 and am today at 164 size 10-12. I am at goal, but I honestly would like to lose about four more pounds so that when I have my "up" days, I will still be under 165--I know, call me crazy . I can eat pretty much anything, rarely dump and have to work hard at maintaining my weight. I do gain weight when I do not follow the rules--not get my water in, not get enough protein, eat too much sugar or not enough exercise--so NO!! It is still not easy. I lost the majority of my weight in the first year. It was a year of change and learning to love myself again (maybe a little bit too much at times ). Year 2 was also wonderful--a time spent convincing myself that my weight loss was not temporary (like in the pass) and that I could maintain my weight through diet and exercise--maintain my new lifestyle. That WLS is a tool, not an automatic fix--It takes work and dedication to maintain. What is life like today for me?? I exercise 3-4 days per week. I take a multivitamin and calcium citrate each day. I get a B-12 shot once per month. I get blood work done once every six months. I just started trying to get in one protein drink each day. I am in no way perfect yall, I struggle with old habits and my preference for sweets. I have just learned to pay for my sins as I go and not let them add up on me (into pounds). I have to say that this surgery is not for everyone. I rolled the dice/took my chance and I got the extreme best results possible, it doesn't happen that way for everyone. Anyone considering this surgery, please do your research, know what you are getting into and make your own decision, not based on someone elses success--with that in mind-- I wish you all the wonderful success that I have had in my WLS journey. Jean
Amy Hoffman
on 11/24/04 9:10 pm - Suffolk, VA
Topic: Happy Thanksgiving & anniversary
I wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving and a happy and healthy anniversary. Remember for all of us November 2002 thanksgiving we really couldn't enjoy the meal,, so I hope everyone enjoys there turkey this year. Just remember lets not over do it,, ya right,, boy I over did it last night,,, but I will get back on track tomorrow.
Julie B.
on 11/21/04 1:40 pm - CA
I have lost 118 lbs and weigh 134. I am still losing weight and eating almost anything I want, just not very much. Now when I say anything I want.........there is still stuff I can't eat. Beef, ribs, too much sugar........and that's just dandy. I have had a rough two years, not cause of the surgery, but lots of other things going on. So GLAD I have my self esteem! I just had a tummy tuck. WOW A FLAT TUMMY......never ever had that and don't remember ever weighing this much. Plastic surgery is NO PICNIC for those of you intent on it. But worth it. What a wondrous thing this surgery is for me. I am nervous that I keep losing weight. SLowly......1 -2 lbs a month. Anybody have trouble with losing too much weight? Doc wanted me to stop 10 lbs ago......hmmm Julie
Shelly B.
on 11/20/04 1:42 pm - Spring, tx
Topic: 2 year. Ann.
Hello I made it to my two ann. I am proud to be alive with all the complications. I am very proud to say that I am 145 pounds. Long way from 350 pounds to years ago. I am excited to spend thanksgiving with my children and hubby since I spent the last two years in the hospital.
Pam B.
on 11/18/04 1:28 pm - Hamden, OH
Topic: 2 year anniversary
Wow!!!!!!!! I can't believe it's been two years already!!!!!! I feel fantastic!!!! I'm healthier than I've ever been in my entire life. I went from a size 24-26 to a size 3-4. I don't have any trouble maintaining my weight, I still don't get hungry, and have NO cravings. I still drink a protein shake every morning and take a vitamin and calcium. I don't drink soda and don't eat bread, other than that I can eat anything, just not very much. I'm looking into plastic surgery now to remove excess skin. Congratulations to everyone out there who has had the surgery and are doing well. Thank you for all the support I've received over the last several years, it has meant alot to me. I am always here to answer questions if anyone has any. Thanks again, Pam B
Debra H.
on 11/17/04 3:14 am - Salem, OR
Topic: Happy 2 yr anniversary!
Happy anniversary to all of us who had our life-changing surgeries two years ago November 18th! Hope you are all doing well and feeling great. I updated my profile if anyone is interested and would love to hear how anyone else is doing at 2 yrs post-op. Debra Harper
Amy Hoffman
on 11/14/04 9:42 am - Suffolk, VA
Topic: Nov 14, my 2 yr anniversary
I just wanted to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to everyone who had there WLS in Nov. 2002. I hope that everyone is doing well and leading a happier healthier life.
Mrs. Rich
on 11/11/04 11:51 pm - Melbourne, FL
Today's my second 'birthday!' I cannot believe how much my life has changed in two years. I've lost 140 pounds, gone from a size 28/30 to a solid 10 with a few 8s thrown, found the love of my life, traded a bad job in for a good one -- one that I never would have applied for at 298 pounds -- and moved into a house! I cannot believe what a difference two years makes! I cannot say this journey has been easy, nor can I say that today, at two years out, I have conqured all my food deamons...nope, those will take a lifetime to work out. But today, my relationship with food is healthy and I try to make good choices when possible. I have served as an unofficial mentor to many people, both posties and normals. I taught nutrition at Curves and now have become a life coach for a few people at my new job. I'm healthy, happy and so grateful that two years ago, I accepted my fears and climbed onto that operating table.
Lela A.
on 11/10/04 9:19 pm - Fargo, ND
Topic: 2 year Anniversary
Thanks everyone for your support. I am now down to my goal weight and maintaining and feel great. In fact I have recently become engaged to be married and I will be relocating, so have retired from my current job. My life is good since my surgery and has opened new doors for me.
Regina T.
on 11/10/04 6:21 am - Westminster, CO
Topic: RE: Had surgery in NOV 2002 Just wondering
Just becasue you are "not at goal" doesn't mean you have lost the war, it just means that your body has finally found it's resting place. Remember when people would ask "Will you stop loosing wieght ever, how does your body know? Will you keep loosing and then loose TOO much weight?" Well guess what, you have gotten to that magic spot. it doesn't mean that you will stay there forever, it just means that you are finally where the rest of the world is ... "only 5 more lbs.... only 10 more lbs..." I'm there too, only 5 more until goal and it frustrates me to no end, i've been there for 6 months. But you know what? It doesn't really matter all that much. Yes, it's the prioncipal of the thing but I look at it this way, it's only 5 more vanity lbs any way and now I'm going to have to suffer like the rest of the world and try to get it off. But, I also know that I've lost more than half my body wieght from before and I look and feel great. I can't ask for any more. Can you?
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