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on 1/13/14 12:51 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: Remembering OH in 1998 and Now

We encourage you to join us as we celebrate ObesityHelp in 1998 and now.  Many members will remember the screens shown in this video and will enjoy the walk down memory lane.  If you're new, you'll like the strides and successes we've had during our 16 years with our members. 

Please like and share on the video from our OH Facebook page. 

We proudly present "Making the Journey Together for 16 Years" . . . . . . . .

on 2/23/13 6:22 am - Philadelphia, PA
DS on 11/28/12
on 1/20/13 8:45 pm - Philadelphia, PA
DS on 11/28/12
Topic: Its been almost 7weeks already
44 lbs down :) sounds good right, revision to DS thought id lose slower
on 1/4/13 5:45 am
Revision on 01/23/13
Topic: RE: November 28 revision from Lap Band to RNY- scared, you bet!

How did it go & how are you doing?? I hope you are feeling well & having a speedy recovery :0)

on 11/20/12 8:59 am
Topic: Gastric Bypass TOMORROW, November 21, 2012...nervous!

Okay, so I am extremely nervous for tomorrow...I finally get my gastric bypass surgery. This will be a huge step in my life...I just hope I don't look "awkward" after losing a lot of wait. All I need are a few extra prayers that everything goes well tomorrow :)

Also...any advice for my future will be helpful! :)

on 11/18/12 9:08 am - CA
RNY on 11/19/12
Topic: RNY tomorrow morning

eeeeeeeeeeeeek....what else can i say...

thank you everyone who has gone before and has been willing to show your support and stories using this any surgery, this was a very difficult and yet necessary decision that had to be made and i look forward to joining you later this week (on the other side)

My nervousness and anxiety have finally set in..was doing great up to this point. I know in my head that i will be fine but i guess it doesn't take away the enormity of the situation. Thank you all for welcoming me into this family of yours..and please throw up a prayer or a good thought tomorrow. I would appreciate it. I'm going to go lay down and wait for this stuff to kick in that i just downed..and then i am off to bed .....butterflies have moved over and the full size birds have taken over my stomach now...good thing tomorrow there won't be room for them anymore


on 11/18/12 8:29 am
Topic: November 28 revision from Lap Band to RNY- scared, you bet!

Started this journey Nov 10, 2010. Had my lap band, and was never able to have any restriction. Finally it was confirmed, I had a leak. My BMI is on the lower side now 36. I lost almost 45 pounds during the first year, however I was working out 4 times  week with a personal trainer, 2 hour sessions. Sad to say when the abdominal pain started, I quit working out and  have gained about 20 pounds back...  When I really needed my band, we discovered it didn't work, and most likely never had. I have had abdominal pain at the port and band site since Mayof this past year. Have had ct scan and ultrasound which show everything is in the right place,they are thinking adhesions and scar tissue?  In May it was decided the band need to come out. My original surgeon, who I really like, gave me the option to the have the RNY . I have decided to go ahead with a revision. My primary insurance company was always going to allow the surgery, it was just a matter of where. There is 2 major hospitals where I live, one is contracting, and one is not. The non- contracting hospital happens to be the only facility within 350 miles who does revisions.  Took me since May of this past year to get my insurance company to allow me to have this revision to RN local, and not traveling 6-8 hours from my home.  After two appeals, finally got to them to say they would pay contracting rates, but I am responsible for the balance billed charges. Just got the news October 21st. I am scheduled for my revision on November 28. Like everyone, I don't like anesthesia, and dread the falling asleep and waking up more than the procedure itself.

If there are many revisions out there, and want to send any helpful hints my way, they would be greatly appreciated.

on 11/17/12 8:42 am - CA
RNY on 11/19/12
Topic: RE: RNY November 19th

My RNY is scheduled for the 19th as well and i have found a couple of other people on here that have the same (tho i will allow them to let you know who they are if they choose). I am excited to know that I have surgery siblings out there that will be walking the path at the same time as i am. I look forward to keeping in touch with you =) Feel free to add me

on 11/14/12 11:41 am
Topic: RE: RNY November 19th

Hi Caitlin:

Cleveland Clinic is about 2 hours from my of my best friends had her bariatric surgery done there 7 years ago...she always raves about how she got great care and really great doctors.  As I mentioned before I'm having my surgery here in Michigan at Beaumont and I just found out both Cleveland Clinic and Beaumont have the exact same program and we WILL be able to compare notes after all.   I had my pre-surgery blood draw today and now I know it is real.  Well I certainly understand why people think we are all nuts for doing this during the holidays, but my take is ...  I'm going to enjoy future holidays more is I'm NO LONGER diabetic, with high blood pressure etc;.   Don't you just know we spend one or two days getting everything ready for Thanksgiving and in 20 minutes it is all over !   SO I decided why let 20 minutes of my life take priority over the rest of my life.  As for me it is just my husband and I so it is no big deal.   I did buy a Small Turkey and trimming for him.  I also told him if he wants I'll go so far as to tell him how HE can cook it and everything else is instant.   He won't be having his favorite things because I'd have to hand make them and it is my intention to stay away from the kitchen.  Thanksgiving Day is also our 15th Wedding Anniversary and don't you know Christmas is next, followed by New Years, His Birthday in January etc;  There would never be a good time.  So here we go......  tomorrow is my final check off and then surgery is Friday at 12:00 noon.  Whoopie.  It is so wonderful that you are going to be at your parents house...I know that will comfort you.  When you get back to Wisconsin it will be so refreshing.   I spent most of my Summers when I was growing up in Wisconsin.   Some of my family is still there (Burlington).   You live in a beautiful State.    After I post tomorrow I won't be back on the boards until next week.  But it will all go so fast .. (I hope) hahahaha

In the meantime do take care and I'll make sure you have extra prayers on the 19th.

Hugs,  Patty Jo

Patty Jo Nichols

a/k/a  PJ

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