Thursday! Whatcha Eatin? R U Exercising?

Kim S.
on 5/18/11 10:54 pm - Helena, AL
We certainly should be enjoying this mild weather as the hundred degree days will be here before you know it.  I actually had to wear a jacket last night on our walk.

Eats today:

B1-Jimmy Dean D-Lights breakfast bagel sandwich
B2-3 oz rotissiere chicken
L-Healthy Choice Beef Merlot
S-Chobani mango
D-hamburger patty, veggies

Dessert-coffee, NSA ice cream bar

Exercise:  Tonight I will do P90X arms and shoulders and abs.
Hilary P.
on 5/19/11 12:18 am - Decatur, AL
Monday night when we were sitting at the ballfield in layers, wrapped up in jackets and blankets i said i wouldnt complain once about the hot weather bc it shouldnt be that cold in MAY!!!! so i'll have to keep my word!

My stomach is still really upset from last night. Me and porkchops dont get along and havent since surgery but i still keep tryin to cook them and they almost always sit hard in my pouch. well i still feel like i have a rock in my pouch this morning.

B-atkins advantage protein shake
L-hamburger patty, pintos, slaw
D-baked tilapia w/ a veggie.

2 qts of SF fruit punch hopefully if my pouch will agree.

At almost 6 years out i would have never thought i'd still get that stuck feeling. its miserable. I wont be eating porkchops again this time.

Yall have a good day!
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