How long should she wait? (pregnancy and surgery)

on 3/20/11 12:18 pm
 My cousin is expecting and is also looking into weight loss surgery. She wants to know how long she should wait after the birth of her child to start the process. Any advice? I told her she should recoup for a couple months, but she wants to get going right away. 
on 3/20/11 12:34 pm - Matthews, NC
Is she going to breastfeed?  That's probably not going to be poeeible if she's in her rapid weight loss phase.  I waited until my daughter and I were finished breastfeeding to start the pocess.  If she's not going to breastfeed then I guess she could wait until she feels sane again (all of us mothers know what I mean - sleep deprivation, hormones, etc) then get the ball rolling.  After all, it *will* take a few months for her to actually get her surgery.  If she has a c-section, maybe she should wait 6 months then start the process?  IDK, this is personal advice, not professional. ;)
on 3/20/11 2:04 pm - Fridley, MN
I agree with Kat. 
Helen C.
on 3/20/11 2:54 pm - Wisconsin Rapids, WI
I had my youngest in Dec of 2009 and I started the process in June of 2010. I had a classical (vertical incision) c-section with her and wanted time to recover from that surgery before I had another one. I also breastfed (well exclusively pumped) for her up until the morning of surgery.

I would agree with 6 months being a good time period to wait. It will give her a chance to get a schedule set in place for the baby and will be back to more of her normal self.
Candace Sparkles
on 3/20/11 4:17 pm
Well the process itself takes FOREVER so I'd suggest she contact her dr asap. That way she can get the ball rolling. 

 My DS

                         100% EWL achieved!
sw 291/cw 134/gw 145 (Resetting goal to 135!) (resetting yet again to 120!)


on 3/22/11 12:27 am
 I have a 6 month old, and I can't imagine having to go through surgery at this point. It would be soooo tough. Especially if I was breastfeeding. I would personally wait until the baby is one year, or in daycare. And, I would think, a lot of family support would still be needed. 
You gotta love livin', baby, 'cause dyin' is a pain in the ass.---Frank Sinatra
on 3/22/11 10:38 am - Matthews, NC
If it were me I would also consider: am I done having kids? If the answer is no, I would wait until done having kids, unless  planning to space them far apart. I had all mine back to back, so I waited.
Candace Sparkles
on 3/22/11 3:56 pm
except for the fact that babies born to women post weight loss surgery are a lot healthier than babies born to morbidly obese women. There have been many many studies on this. So yeah I def wouldn't advise she put off surgery until she was done having babies. There have been MANY dsers who have had complication free babies.

 My DS

                         100% EWL achieved!
sw 291/cw 134/gw 145 (Resetting goal to 135!) (resetting yet again to 120!)


on 3/22/11 8:58 pm - Matthews, NC
I realize this. But, as stated I had mine back to back. If she is not going to space them out appropriately then she should wait until done to have the surgery. I was pregnant with my second when my first was 10 months old. If this woman had her baby waited the 6 months others are suggesting I don't think anyone would agree that getting pregnant at 4 months post op is a good idea.
Helen C.
on 3/23/11 3:05 am - Wisconsin Rapids, WI
I had both of my girls pre-surgery and I had them back to back as well. My oldest was 8 months old when I found out I was pregnant with #2.

I had surgery last month. My husband and I are by no means done having children. We will be having 1-2 more if God is willing. I think a better way to put your statement would have been to say "if you are not planning to space out any future children by 18-24months minimum then I would wait until you are done having babies".

Your original statement could be implied by newbies and pre-ops that come along as saying that you can not have children after having the DS which I know you were not saying but could be seen that way none the less.
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