Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 1 month ago

Wow .. keep it up, Tammy!


Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 4 months, 1 week ago

A sad, but predictable, follow up to my earlier post about the horrible side effects some patients were experiencing as a result of using the medication, inc. "gastroparesis" (stomach paralysis) ..

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 4 months, 2 weeks ago

I just happened to run across this medical journal article earlier today. We have all seen talk on here as to WLS, despite the great positive physical effects it produces for us, promoting post-op divorces and other disruptions to our social lives. <

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 5 months ago

As many of us are aware, it is common for us post-ops to order online Flagyl (Metronidazole) from reliable online suppliers of fish antibiotics to treat our occasional bacterial c. difficile ("c. diff.") intestinal infections b/c it is cheap(e

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 6 months, 3 weeks ago

What think you? Possibly effective, or just another attempt to grab at the desperation of the obese population?

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Very sad .. I wonder what it will turn out her cause of death was ?

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 10 months ago

"The best thing I have ever done", she reports to the media ...

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 10 months ago

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 10 months ago

Wonder though if she suffered from any of those horrible side effects of the drug, which I posted about earlier ..

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 10 months ago

Well, I guess it's to be expected, but 40%+ of the population now in the U.S. ???

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 11 months ago

Interesting article on our local T.V. news the other night .. WLS makes a BIG difference in not only lowering the risk of cancer but even more so as to increasing the survival rate if you do get it ..

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Interesting story in the media of one man's WLS, loose skin removals, diet, etc.

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Interesting story in the news of one person's WLS, loose skin removal surgeries, diet, etc. It was very rough, but in the end he made it.

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 1 year ago

GEEZ .. and I hate to admit it, but, like many of us on here, she had the D.S. procedure. Anyone know how long ago her WLS took place?

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 1 year ago

OMG .. Now something for all of us who have had the surgery to be concerned over .. I wonder how long ago her D.S. was performed?

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 1 year, 1 month ago

I was not aware he had gotten that heavy .. Didn't he have WLS some time back, or am I confused .. ?

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 1 year, 1 month ago

Dang, I didn't realize he had gotten heavy again (didn't he have WLS sometime back?).

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 1 year, 3 months ago

Way to rock it, dude ..

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 1 year, 3 months ago

Great way to rock it .. 150 lbs. down ..

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 2 years, 3 months ago

Did anyone see that couple they featured in a segment on Access Hollywood yesterday? He had lost over 400 lbs. and his wife a lesser amount as well.

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 2 years, 4 months ago

I don't know how many of you have seen their latest one, but in it the gal giving her "testimonial" for the product (or service? I never did know what GoLo IS

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 2 years, 4 months ago

Over the long haul, he has certainly done an excellent job (except for at least a couple of worrisome "ups and downs" that I noticed personally

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 2 years, 4 months ago

Over the long haul, he has certainly done an excellent job (except for at least a couple of worrisome "ups and downs" that I noticed personally

Batwingsman posted a discussion topic 2 years, 5 months ago

This was really a sweet story - they are two years out (from their "gastric bypass") and doing great, having lost a total of 250 lbs., and now both of them are able to spend more time actively with their three young sons. Listen carefully to what the

About Me
Garland, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2008
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