White Pants

on 4/23/11 2:04 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
So, a weird little unexpected wow this weekend...I bought white pants.  Ok, so I know that doesn't sound particularly spectacular, but it was a bit of a transition of sorts for me.  For right or wrong, I just never thought white pants did much for larger women, especially this larger woman.  I had always been of the mindset that black (navy, dark brown, etc) was slimming...or something, and stayed clear....way clear...of white or light colored pants my whole adult life.  Anywhoo, I recently purchaed a really cute top and it is a bit nautical looking, and the display at the mall had the top paired with a white pair of slacks, and I thought it looked really great together, and got me to thinking maybe I should maybe try some on, so with some encouragement from my sister, I did, and I bought these darling white capri's, in size 8.  Wow, this DS thing is pretty dang awesome!
Duodenal Switch 4/29/09
Loving my DS!!

on 4/23/11 2:31 pm - UT
Hi Maria!  That is awesome! I bet you look great in them...you should wear them to our next DS lunch (soon!) 
on 4/23/11 3:48 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
Shannon!  How are you?!!??  I want to hear specifics!  And yes, we need to gather...soon!
Duodenal Switch 4/29/09
Loving my DS!!

on 4/26/11 2:36 pm - UT
I am doing SO GOOD!  I need to make a 6 month post but I am a little slow on the uptake!  I'm not sure what the last thing was that you heard but I ended up back in the hospital at the end of January because there was a leftover pocket of infection under my diaphragm.  My diaphragm had managed to hold it back for a while but the infection worked its way through it and into my lung which caused an abscess in my lung. I had just gotten my other drains and feeding tube out and they turned around and put a drain in my side to get rid of that pocket of infection.  Then I sat in the hospital on IVs for a week or so for my lungs.  They stuck a tube down my nose into my lung to get a sample of the abscess and to find out exactly what it was made of so they could get me on the right antibiotic to treat it.  But that whole hospital stay was a blessing in disguise because it did the trick--after being on big guns antibiotics for a week and then being sent me home on the right antibiotics and with that drain getting rid of the last of the infection I just got better and better from there--and fast.  By the end of February I was doing SO well and I feel great right now.  Life is so good!  In three more pounds I will be down 100 lbs.  My weight loss has slowed down some now that I can eat again but I am still losing slowly (like 5 pounds a month).  I figure since I am only 6 months out and 20-25 pounds from where I want to be  I'm not going to stress about the new slow weight loss rate.  (And I could always cut out a few carbs if I need to!)  I am getting in all of my protein and my vitamins did not turn out to be the big deal I was worried about so that has been good--I bought one of those medi center organizers that have four pill slots a day and I have barely missed a dose.  I do have some acid reflux I deal with from time to time which is new for me but that is really the only thing that I don't love.  I am just getting comfortable with this new way of life and life is good!!!!       
on 4/23/11 2:47 pm - CA
That's what I am talking about! Whoo Hoo, do it girl!
2005-Revision from Lap-band to RNY, 12/2010 Revision from RNY to DS
HW-305  DS,SW-262  CW-slowly going down  GW-140/160
on 4/23/11 3:37 pm - Tacoma, WA
 I have a white jacket that I got last spring (it doesn't quite button across my baby belly but will look nice over a flowy maxi dress this spring and summer) that I felt the same way about!



I'm pretty sure bacon tastes as good as thin feels!
*Feel free to call me "Pen" or "Nic" I'll even answer to "hey you" *

(deactivated member)
on 4/23/11 10:26 pm
on 4/23/11 11:24 pm - OKC, OK
I know exactly what you mean. I have never worn a pair of white or even light colored skacks my whole adult life.

Bet you look great. Pictures?
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
on 4/24/11 4:52 am - Brant Lake, NY
 You go girl! I bought a pair of white pants to wear for Easter and was nervous to wear them, but it worked out fine. Before my surgery I'd never have considered it!
on 4/24/11 6:56 am
Revision on 06/21/13
AWESOME..   I think we need pics to see how darling that outfit is ! 

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



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