Question regarding the nutritional evaluation appointment

on 11/26/12 4:55 pm

I'm not sure what this is.  My doctor told me that it is a necessary step for my insurance and that is fine, just kind of interested in information as to what I am walking into with this appointment.  Anyone have any advice or experiences they could share on what goes on during this appointment??

on 11/26/12 5:47 pm - VA

Not specifically with Anthone. Mine was with our dietitian and she wanted to know what kind of food I ate and how often. She was trying to determine if I could stick to a plan and she explained a bit about what to expect. I don't think I had any blood labs for her to go over with me, that came later.



5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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Valerie G.
on 11/26/12 9:27 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA

Don't expect them to give you much useful information about living with the DS.  The majority of them hand out RNY advice about eating.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 11/27/12 12:54 am - CA

Mine was over the phone, lasted about 15 minutes.  Got lectured for eating too much pasta and rice and was told to stop.  Was told high protein/low fat.  Was kinda useless but it satisfied the requirement for my insurance.

on 11/27/12 2:36 am

Thank you all for responding.  I was just wondering as its the first appointment other than with anthone that I have had so wasn't sure what to expect. 

I have an aunt that had a yes, I'm getting all kinds of information from her on what to eat for an RnY LOL.  But in my reading  here I am learning a lot plus researching over the internet as well and asking questions through others I meet in person and here. 

I still have to go through the blood panel, but I have the orders from Anthone to take to my MD to have them complete that for him.  I also have the order for the psych evaluation.  That one I'm curious about as well.

My thing is I like to know a little bit, at least, of what to expect when I walk into any doctor.  It doesn't have to be related to my DS, I just plain  mean any doctor.  So I thought I'd ask.  Though I do wish they would be informative for us on this particular surgery.  It would be nice to have that extra help too....but oh well.  We can help each other and there is plenty of research out there if we look.

Tonya E.
on 11/27/12 7:01 am
I just had my appointment with the dietitian yesterday. She talked to me about what to expect while in the hospital and then when I get out. She explained to me how I'd have to eat for the first 6 weeks so my body could heal and what to expect after that. She also explained the vitamins and protein part and what ones they recommend. And answered any questions I had. Plus she explained how shed see me throughout this whole first year than once every year after that. It helped a lot with understanding everything and how healing will work.
You are braver than you think, stronger than you believe, and more beautiful than you could ever imagine!     
on 11/27/12 11:35 am
DS on 04/01/13

I had to see mine for 3 months (4 visits also for the insurance) she has given me some information about what is going to happen after the surgery with food and stuff like that. She weighs me each time and we talk about how everything with eating has been going cutting back on my soda intake since after the surgery you can't drink any etc.... I think it has been a good experience glad this next one is the last one before submitting paperwork to the insurance :). Good luck 

on 11/27/12 12:26 pm

Thank you! 


I have already started the no caffeine switch and am doing pretty well for going cold turkey LOL.  I also have limited myself to one soda per day already which is a huge switch from the four or five diet cokes I'm used to having...and that one is caffeine free....BUT I am drinking much more water and have found some flavored waters I really enjoy.  That is good I think....I will write a list of questions for her regarding after surgery diet and that I have topics to cover with her.  Thank you for the information!

on 11/27/12 1:12 pm

What ever advise she gives you toss and come to this site.  What they suggested was completely wrong.  Plus they way underestimate the amount of vits we are supposed to take.  I follow vitalady and my doc told me to avoid her as she would have be toxic.  Not the case and if it was not for her my life would be a lot more difficult as it makes my life easier. 

Good luck


on 11/27/12 2:00 pm
DS on 04/01/13

Donna, a lot of what my nutritionist has told me seems to differ what is talked about here, sometimes I think she has this surgery mixed in with another one. I remember getting the paperwork from the doctor and seeing all the food I wasn't supposed to eat so I asked him at my appt with him about it and he said it was just ment while I was recovering (glad about that). The nutritionist told me to stay on a low fat diet but from what I have seen every is saying we have to eat fat because our body doesn't absorb 80% of what we eat. It is so confusing sometimes so I just take a little of what she says and what is talked about on here and will have to see what happens when I have the surgery. 

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