How many surgeries per month?

on 5/7/11 9:39 am
VSG on 10/16/12
Okay, if there are 700 on the list then how many are they doing each month?? does anyone know? feeling discouraged..........
on 5/7/11 10:28 am
I would put your name in the mecine hat one  with dr.nohr as well just to keep options open, it probaly be better in wpg but if medcine came faster would you go?
on 5/7/11 10:59 am
VSG on 10/16/12
hmmmmm interesting thought skyteddy.  You would think that the lists in AB would be longer as they have a larger population.  What is the process for referral there and how long did you wait?
on 5/7/11 11:14 am - Canada
I think that they do 2 surgeries per week. They are looking for funding to be able to do more.
on 5/7/11 2:32 pm
VSG on 10/16/12
I am not a political zealot or anything but I wonder if it would make a difference as far as speeding up the funding process it I wrote a letter to MP? Selinger? Harper? lol.  Actually maybe the Minister of Health for the province.    I guess it couldn't hurt.
on 5/8/11 12:19 pm - Canada
At one point we wrote emails to Theresa Oswald. If you search the older posts you will find the thread :)

A dream come true!

on 5/8/11 9:55 pm - Portage La Prairie, Canada
I sent a letter to Theresa Oswald after some of the rest of you and have never received a reply. I was a bit disappointed by this.
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