Day two of three day liquids

on 10/17/11 11:10 pm - Clifton, ME
RNY on 11/21/07 with
We are doing the  three day liquid and two day soft protein.  Shawn Leiannan and I.

I am doing pretty good the only difference is we are allowing  fruit  a couple pieces a day and if shawn gets faint he has a couple of pieces of hard candy. 

I find that i am  hungry in the morning   but after i get off the bus i  am fine.

I have a banana when i leave  for work and then  nurse a protein  shake during the bus run.

So far so good.  I need to get rid of these cravings for  carbs and  this is one way i know of.
My  tool still works since i dont seem to be hungry.  What i find is i start looking for food either i am  thirsty   or just bored.    Bad habits are hard to  get rid of and they do come back,    I hope shawn has a better day  as i really would like to get him back on track with his band and eat less.   

Whether we like it or not  we have to make life style changes and  watch what we put in our mouths forever.    But I do love my new life and would not change it for the world.  I just dont want to  gain that weight back that absolutely terrifies me.

Have a great day.  See you  at support tonite.


Jeanine J.
on 10/19/11 3:09 am
 "Whether we like it or not  we have to make life style changes and  watch what we put in our mouths forever.    But I do love my new life and would not change it for the world.  I just dont want to  gain that weight back that absolutely terrifies me."

I think that you are totally correct with the above statement! But what terrifies me more is not gettingto my "healthy" weight! I don't want to be a stick figure but I want to be healthy to where my joints do not hurt so much! :)

What's worth the PRIZE is ALWAYS worth the FIGHT!                
on 10/22/11 1:41 am

How did you and your son do? I am curious if you feel it helped you or not!  :)

on 10/22/11 9:25 pm - Clifton, ME
RNY on 11/21/07 with
well i have found that  I  eat a whole lot less and am not snacking.

I had an egg and half a yogurt and was stuffedd. 

I lost  four pounds and shawn lost  five pounds  and lulu lost  4 too.

he  seems to think it has helped him eat less.  but i have not talked to him in a couple of days.

I gonna try to do two shakes a day and a small meal for a few weeks and see if i can lose more weight.   The first day was the worse but it got better after that.

have a great weekend


on 10/24/11 2:17 am
Good for you! Have a great week! See you at the next meeting :0)
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